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1-s2.0-S107921040500586X-gr1       1-s2.0-S107921040500586X-gr2    1-s2.0-S107921040500586X-gr3    1-s2.0-S107921040500586X-gr4   1-s2.0-S107921040500586X-gr5  

Platelet-rich fibrinPRF):a second-generation platelet concentrate. Part Itechnological concepts and evolution.

David M. Dohan, DDS, MSa, , , Joseph Choukroun, MDb, Antoine Diss, DDS, MSc, Steve L. Dohand, Anthony J.J. Dohane, Jaafar Mouhyi, DDS, PhDf, Bruno Gogly, DDS, MS, PhDg

a Assistant Professor, Biophysics Laboratory, Faculty of Dental Surgery, University of Paris V; Department of Oral Surgery, Odontology Service, Hopital Albert Chenevier, Paris

b Private Practice, Pain Clinic Center, Nice, France

c Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Surface and Interface in Odontology, Odontology Faculty, Nice University; Department of Periodontology, Odontology Service, Hopital St Roch, Nice, France

d Student, Biophysics Laboratory, Faculty of Dental Surgery, University of Paris V; Odontology Service, Hopital Albert Chenevier, Paris

e Student, Saint-Antoine Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris VI

f Private practice, Casablanca, Morocco; Assistant Professor, Advanced Periodontology, University of Southern California; Researcher, Department of Biomaterials/Handicap Research, Institute for Surgical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University

g Professor, Faculty of Dental Surgery, University of Paris V; Chief, Odontology Service, Hopital Albert Chenevier, Paris


Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2006 Mar;101(3):e37-44. Epub 2006 Jan 19.

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology

Volume 101, Issue 3, March 2006, Pages e37–e44



Biophysics Laboratory, Faculty of Dental Surgery, University of Paris V, Paris, France. drdohand@hotmail.com




Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) belongs to a new generation of platelet concentrates geared to simplified preparation without biochemical blood handling. In this initial article, we describe the conceptual and technical evolution from Fibrin glues to Platelet concentrates. This retrospective analysis is necessary for the understanding of fibrin technologies and the evaluation of the biochemical properties of 3 generations of surgical additives, respectively Fibrin adhesives, Concentrated Platelet-rich plasma (cPRP) and PRF. Indeed, the 3-dimensional fibrin architecture is deeply dependent on artificial clinical polymerization processes, such as massive bovine thrombin addition. Currently, the Slow polymerization during PRF preparation seems to generate a fibrin network very similar to the natural one. Such a network leads to a more efficient cell migration and proliferation and thus cicatrization.


Fig. 1. Technologic concept of cPRP processing

Fig. 2. Blood centrifugation immediately after collection allows the composition of a structured and resistant fibrin clot in the middle of the tube, just between the red corpuscles at the bottom and acellular plasma at the top.

Fig. 3. Blood processing with a PC-O2 centrifuge for PRF (A; Process, Nice, France) allows the composition of a structured fibrin clot in the middle of the tube, just between the red corpuscles at the bottom and acellular plasma at the top (B). After collection of the PRF itself (C), resistant autologous fibrin membranes are easily obtained by driving out the serum from the clot (D).

Fig. 4. Theoretical computer modelling of condensed tetramolecular or bilateral fibrin branch junctions. Note the rigidity of this architecture (D-TEP v1.3).

Fig. 5. Theoretical computer modelling of trimolecular or equilateral fibrin branch junctions. Note the flexibility of this net architecture (D-TEP v1.3).

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Platelet-poor plasmaPPP

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Platelet-Poor PlasmaPPPis blood plasma with very low number of platelets< 10 X 103/μL.

Traditionally, PPP was recommended for use in platelet aggregation studies to both adjust the Platelet-rich plasma concentration, and to serve as a control.

PPP may have elevated levels of Fibrinogen, which has the ability to be form a fibrin rich clot once activated. Wound healing requires cell migration and attachment, which is facilitated by this fibrin clot.


Current Uses

Fibrin sealants have found use in many clinical situations such as blood management, orthopaedic surgery, and cosmetic surgery.


Future possibilities

As a by-product of PRP preparation, PPP may also find use in tissue engineering applications as an Autologous degradable scaffold. This plasma portion is frequently discarded when used with PRP treatments.


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prp-colorado-therapy-blood-machine  prp_process  

Platelet-rich Fibrin matrix for improvement of Deep nasolabial folds.

Sclafani AP.

J Cosmet Dermatol. 2010 Mar;9(1):66-71. doi: 10.1111/j.1473-2165.2010.00486.x.



Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, The New York Eye & Ear Infirmary, New York, New York 10003, USA. asclafani@nyee.edu




Dermal augmentation continues to grow as an aesthetic facial procedure. Many exogenous filler materials rely on an autologous fibrotic response for volume augmentation.



To evaluate the efficacy of a single injection of autologous platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM) for the correction of deep nasolabial folds (NLFs).



Whole blood was obtained from 15 adults, and an activated autologous PRFM produced using a proprietary system (Selphyl; Aesthetic Factors, Inc., Wayne, NJ, USA) was then injected into the dermis and immediate subdermis below the NLFs. Subjects were photographed before and after treatment; NLFs were rated by the treating physician before and after treatment using the Wrinkle Assessment Scale (WAS) and patients rated their appearance at each post-treatment visit using the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale. Patients were evaluated at 1, 2, 6, and 12 weeks after treatment.



All patients were treated to maximal correction, no over-correction, with a mean reduction in WAS score of 2.12 +/- 0.56. At 1 week after treatment, this difference was 0.65 +/- 0.68, but rose to 0.97 +/- 0.75, 1.08 +/- 0.59, and 1.13 +/- 0.72 at 2, 6, and 12 weeks after treatment, respectively (P < 0.001). No patient noted any fibrosis, irregularity, hardness, restricted movement, or lumpiness.



PRFM can provide significant long-term diminution of deep NLFs without the use of foreign materials. PRFM holds significant potential for stimulated dermal augmentation.

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prp_theory1  prf-steps  

Platelet-rich Fibrin matrix improves wound angiogenesis via inducing endothelial cell proliferation.

Roy S, Driggs J, Elgharably H, Biswas S, Findley M, Khanna S, Gnyawali U, Bergdall VK, Sen CK.

Wound Repair Regen. 2011 Nov;19(6):753-66. doi: 10.1111/j.1524-475X.2011.00740.x.



Comprehensive Wound Center, Department of Surgery, Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute, The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA.



The economic, social, and public health burden of chronic ulcers and other compromised wounds is enormous and rapidly increasing with the aging population. The growth factors derived from platelets play an important role in Tissue remodeling including Neovascularization. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been utilized and studied for the last four decades. Platelet gel and Fibrin sealant, derived from PRP mixed with Thrombin and Calcium chloride, have been exogenously applied to tissues to promote Wound healing, Bone growth, Hemostasis, and Tissue sealing. In this study, we first characterized recovery and viability of as well as growth factor release from platelets in a novel preparation of platelet gel and fibrin matrix, namely Platelet-rich fibrin matrixPRFM. Next, the effect of PRFM application in a delayed model of ischemic wound angiogenesis was investigated. The study, for the first time, shows the kinetics of the viability of platelet-embedded fibrin matrix. A slow and steady release of Growth factors from PRFM was observed. The Vascular endothelial growth factor released from PRFM was primarily responsible for endothelial mitogenic response via extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase activation pathway. Finally, this preparation of PRFM effectively induced endothelial cell proliferation and improved wound angiogenesis in chronic wounds, providing evidence of probable mechanisms of action of PRFM in healing of chronic ulcers.


2011 by the Wound Healing Society.

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Platelet-rich plasmaPRPand Platelet-Rich FibrinPRFSurgical adjuvants, preparations for in situ regenerative medicine and tools for tissue engineering.

Bielecki T, Dohan Ehrenfest DM.

Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2012 Jun;13(7):1121-30.



Department and Clinics of Orthopaedics, Medical University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland. tomekbiel@o2.pl



The recent developement of platelet concentrate for surgical use is an evolution of the Fibrin glue technologies used since many years. The initial concept of these autologous preparations was to concentrate platelets and their growth factors in a plasma solution, and to activate it into a fibrin gel on a surgical site, in order to improve local healing. These platelet suspensions were often called Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) like the platelet concentrate used in transfusion medicine, but many different technologies have in fact been developed; some of them are even no more platelet suspensions, but Solid fibrin-based biomaterials called Platelet-Rich FibrinPRF. These various technologies were tested in many different clinical fields, particularly oral and maxillofacial surgery, Ear-Nose-Throat surgery, plastic surgery, orthopaedic surgery, sports medicine, gynecologic and cardiovascular surgery and ophthalmology. This field of research unfortunately suffers from the lack of a proper accurate terminology and the associated misunderstandings, and the literature on the topic is quite contradictory. Indeed, the effects of these preparations cannot be limited to their growth factor content: these products associate many actors of healing in synergy, such as Leukocytes, Fibrin matrix, and circulating Progenitor cells, and are in fact as complex as blood itself. If platelet concentrates were first used as surgical adjuvants for the stimulation of healing as Fibrin glues enriched with growth factors, many applications for in situ regenerative medicine and tissue engineering were developed and offer a great potential. However, the future of this field is first dependent on his coherence and scientific clarity. The objectives of this article is to introduce the main definitions, problematics and perspectives that are described in this special issue of Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology about platelet concentrates.

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Platelet-rich plasmaPRP

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Platelet-rich plasmaPRPis blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. As a concentrated source of autologous platelets, PRP contains and releasesthrough degranulationseveral different Growth factors and other Cytokines that stimulate healing of Bone and Soft tissue.



The efficacy of certain growth factors in healing various injuries and the concentrations of these growth factors found within PRP are the theoretical basis for the use of PRP in tissue repair.

The platelets collected in PRP are activated by the addition of Thrombin and Calcium chloride, which induces the release of these factors from alpha granules.


The growth factors and other cytokines present in PRP include

1Platelet-derived growth factor

2Transforming growth factor beta

3Fibroblast growth factor

4Insulin-like growth factor 1

5Insulin-like growth factor 2

6Vascular endothelial growth factor

7Epidermal growth factor

8Interleukin 8

9Keratinocyte growth factor

10Connective tissue growth factor



There are, at present, two methods of PRP preparation approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Both processes involve the collection of whole bloodthat is anticoagulated with Citrate dextrosebefore undergoing Two stages of centrifugationTruPRP)(Harvestdesigned to separate the PRP aliquot from platelet-poor plasma and red blood cells.

In humans, the typical baseline blood platelet count is approximately 200,000 per µL; therapeutic PRP concentrates the platelets by roughly Five-fold.

According to several studies, Platelet Rich Plasma must contain platelet counts at least 46 times baseline in order to be therapeutic.

PRP is rich in platelet Growth factors as well as a Fibrin matrix.

Platelet Poor Plasma is a rich source of Fibrin matrix which has been used for Extra injection sites including the hands and upper arms, or a mask post laser resurfacing.

There is however broad variability in the production of PRP by various concentrating equipment and techniques.


Clinical applications

In humans, PRP has been investigated and used as clinical tool for several types of medical treatments, including Nerve injury, Tendinitis, Osteoarthritis, Cardiac muscle injury, Bone repair and regeneration, Plastic surgery, and oral surgery. PRP has also received attention in the popular media as a result of its use in treating sports injuries in professional athletes.


Clinical validity

The use and clinical validation of PRP is still in the early stages. Results of basic science and preclinical trials have not yet been confirmed in large-scale controlled clinical trials. For example, clinical use of PRP for nerve injury and sports medicine has produced "promising" but "inconsistent" results in early trials. A 2009 systematic review of the scientific literature stated that there are few controlled clinical trials that have adequately evaluated the safety and efficacy of PRP treatments and concluded that PRP is "a promising, but not proven, treatment option for joint, tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries".

Proponents of PRP therapy argue that negative clinical results are associated with Poor quality PRP produced by inadequate Single spin devices. The fact that most gathering devices capture a percentage of a given thrombocyte count is a bias, since there is significant inter-individual variability in the platelet concentration of human plasma. More is not necessarily better in this case. The variability in platelet concentrating techniques may alter platelet degranulation characteristics that could affect clinical outcomes.


Implications for doping

Some concern exists as to whether PRP treatments violate anti-doping rules, such as those maintained by the World Anti-Doping Agency. It is not clear if local injections of PRP can have a systemic impact on circulating cytokine levels, in turn affecting doping tests; it is also not clear whether PRP treatments have systemic anabolic effects or affect performance.

In January 2011, the World Anti-Doping Agency removed Intramuscular injections of PRP from its prohibitions after determining that there is a "lack of any current evidence concerning the use of these methods for purposes of performance enhancement".

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Use of platelet-rich fibrin over skin woundsModified secondary intention healing3


Face being a highly aesthetic zone, the complexities in healing after any intervention poses a great challenge to the surgeon. Scar formation is one of the most undesirable outcomes of the healing process. Early primary closure helps minimize scars, but in cases where there is skin loss, it is not always achievable. This is true, especially in areas where undermining the adjacent tissue is not possible or it may distort facial symmetry.

It is certain that platelets play a prominent, if not deciding role, in wound healing. [2] Platelets release Cytokines and Growth factors during Clot formation at the wound sites. [3] Platelet activation in response to tissue damage and vascular exposure results in the formation of a Platelet plug and Blood clot to provide Hemostasis and the secretion of Biologically active proteins from the α-granules. These include platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor (TGF), platelet factor 4 (PF4), interleukin (IL)-1, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet-derived angiogenesis factor (PDAF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), epithelial cell growth factor (ECGF), Osteonectin, Osteocalcin, Fibrinogen, Vitronectin, Fibronectin, and Thromboplastin. [2] These secretory proteins, in turn, initiate tissue healing. Healing includes cellular chemotaxis, proliferation, and differentiation and the removal of tissue debris, angiogenesis, laying down of extracellular matrix, and regeneration of the appropriate type of tissue. Platelets direct wound healing because, by design, they appear exactly where and when needed to create a local environment conducive to tissue regeneration and set the pace of wound healing with their effects lasting even after the clot has been cleared. The improvement of healing by the placement of a Supraphysiologic concentration of Autologous platelets at the site of tissue injury is supported by basic science studies. There are studies that provide evidence that the use of autologous platelet-rich plasma offers some efficacy in certain types of acute and chronic wounds and causes an increase in hard- and soft-tissue wound healing and a decrease in postoperative infection, pain, and blood loss. [2]

PRF is a second generation platelet concentrate with simplified processing without biochemical blood handling. It enmeshes glycosaminoglycans from the blood and platelets, which have a strong affinity with small circulating peptides and a great capacity to support cell migrations and healing processes.

Dohan et al. (2006) stated that PRF was a completely usable healing concentrate. [1]

Hom et al. (2007) in a study on the healing effects of autologous platelet gel (APG) on acute human skin wounds concluded that APG not only enhanced wound closure but also increased the wound healing velocity. [4]


Role of platelet-rich fibrin membrane in healing

Any avulsive wound gets covered with a blood clot. This clot is the focal point of initiating healing. A natural blood clot contains 5% Platelets, 95% Red blood cells, <1% White blood cells, and large amounts of Fibrin strands. A platelet-rich plasma (PRP) clot contains 95% Platelets, 4% Red blood cells, and 1% White blood cells. PRP is a first generation plasma concentrate. [5] Due to the various advantages of PRF over PRP and the ease of technique, PRF is preferred over the latter. PRF membrane is a simple approach of concentrating platelets or enriching natural blood clot, which forms in avulsive wounds, to initiate a more rapid and complete healing process.

PRF is an immune and platelet concentrate that collects on a single fibrin membrane; all the constituents of a blood sample are favorable to healing and immunity. [6] Although Platelet and Leukocyte cytokines are important in the biology of this biomaterial, the Fibrin matrix supporting them constitutes the determining element responsible for the real therapeutic potential of PRF. The PRF membranes simultaneously support the development of the three keys to healing and soft tissue maturation, namely, Angiogenesis, Immunity, and Epithelial cover. This membrane protects open wounds and accelerates healing, favors the development of Microvascularization, and also guides Epithelial cell migration to its surface. Furthermore, this matrix contains leukocytes and promotes their migration. Therefore, its utilization seems to be of high significance in the case of infected wounds, like that of rapid uneventful healing of a tooth socket filled with PRF. [6]

Since the healing that occurs by using this technique is neither by primary intention nor by pure secondary intention, we have termed it "Modified secondary intention healing." The efficacy of this treatment lies in the local delivery of a wide range of Growth factors and Proteins on a Fibrin mesh, mimicking and supporting physiological wound healing and reparative tissue processes, thereby resulting in a nearly scarless aesthetic wound healing.



1.    Dohan DM, Choukroun J, Diss A, Dohan SL, Dohan AJ, Mouhyi J, et al. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF): A second-generation platelet concentrate. Part II: Platelet-related biologic features. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006;101:e45-50.

2.    Eppley BL, Pietrzak WS, Blanton M. Platelet-rich plasma: A review of biology and applications in plastic surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg 2006;118:147e-59e.

3.    Blanton MW, Hadad I, Johnstone BH, Mund JA, Rogers PI, Eppley BL, et al. Adipose stromal cells and platelet-rich plasma therapies synergistically increase revascularization during wound healing. Plast Reconstr Surg 2009;123:56S-64S.

4.    Hom DB, Linzie BM, Huang TC. The healing effects of autologous platelet gel on acute human skin wounds. Arch Facial Plast Surg 2007;9:174-83.

5.    Sunitha Raja V, Munirathnam Naidu E. Platelet-rich fibrin: Evolution of a second generation platelet concentrate. Indian J Dent Res 2008;19:42-6.

6.    Choukroun J, Diss A, Simonpieri A, Girard MO, Schoeffler C, Dohan SL, et al. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF): A second-generation platelet concentrate. Part IV: Clinical effects on tissue healing. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006;101:e56-60.


Correspondence Address :

Chirag B Desai

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rural Dental College, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni, Ahmednagar - 413 736, Maharashtra



DOI: 10.4103/0974-2077.110096

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Use of platelet-rich fibrin over skin woundsModified secondary intention healing2

About 10 ml of venous blood was withdrawn to prepare PRF by Choukroun's protocol [Figure 2]. [1] The sampled blood was transferred into glass test tubes. It was then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min in a laboratory centrifuge. At the end of the centrifugation, three distinct layers could be seen in the test tube. The uppermost layer was Platelet poor plasma, the middle layer was Platelet rich fibrin, and the lowermost layer was Red blood cells. The middle layer of PRF was separated and squeezed between two layers of sterile gauze. The PRF membrane thus obtained was placed over the defect [Figure 3]. A Double layer of the membrane was placed over Deeper areas of the Defect to achieve an even surface. Neglecting this step could lead to an uneven surface and formation of a scar on healing; this was covered by a single layer of Moist gauze and Micropore dressing. A gradual decrease in the size of the wound and granulation tissue formation was observed in the subsequent visits [Figure 4]. There were no signs of inflammation or infection. It was observed that the PRF-treated site showed hastened healing with early wound contracture. In the subsequent visits, the color of the reconstructed region was comparable to the adjacent uninjured tissue. The defect in the vermilion border and the white roll was inconspicuous [Figure 5]. 


Figure 2 : Processing of platelet-rich fibrin

Figure 3 : Platelet-rich fibrin membrane

Figure 4 : Two weeks follow up

Figure 5 : Six weeks follow up

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Classification of Platelet concentratesfrom Pure platelet-rich plasmaP-PRP to Leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrinL-PRF)(4

Figure 4. Schematic illustration of the matrix and cell architecture of the four categories of platelet concentrates. Two key parameters are important: Leucocyte content (blue circles) and density of Fibrin (yellow/light-brown fibres). Platelet aggregates (light-grey shapes) are always assembled on the fibrin fibres. In typical P-PRP and L-PRP preparations (top panels), the fibrin network is immature and consists mainly of fibrillae with a small diameter (red arrows) due to simple fibre polymerization. This fibrin network supports platelet application during surgery but dissolves quickly like a fibrin glue. In P-PRF and L-PRF preparations (bottom panels), fibrin fibres are thick (black arrows) due to multiple fibre assembly and constitute a resistant matrix that can be considered as a fibrin biomaterial.


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Classification of Platelet concentratesfrom Pure platelet-rich plasmaP-PRP to Leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrinL-PRF)(3

Figure 3. Choukroun's platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) method 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.

(a) Blood is softly centrifuged immediately after collection without anticoagulants, and coagulation starts quickly. Blood is separated into three components with the formation of a strong fibrin clot in the middle of the tube. This clot acts as a plug that traps most light blood components, such as platelets and leucocytes, as well as circulating molecules, such as growth factors and fibronectin. This method leads to the natural production of a dense leucocyte-rich PRF (L-PRF) clot.

(b) After compression of the L-PRF clot, it can be used easily as a membrane (actual length shown: 3 to 4 cm).


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Classification of Platelet concentratesfrom Pure platelet-rich plasmaP-PRP to Leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrinL-PRF)(2

Figure 2. Commonly described protocol for Anitua's PRGF 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

Step 1: Citrated blood in 5 mL tubes is softly centrifuged 8 min at 460 g and separated into three layers: RBC base, buffy coat (BC) and acellular plasma. Acellular plasma contains the empirically defined layers plasma poor in growth factors (PPGF) and plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF).

Step 2: The PPGF layer (1 ml) is discarded, and the PRGF, just above the BC, is collected by careful pipetting. PRGF from all sample tubes is collected into one tube and Calcium chloride is added for clotting.

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Classification of Platelet concentratesfrom Pure platelet-rich plasmaP-PRP to Leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrinL-PRF)(1

David M. Dohan Ehrenfest , Lars Rasmusson, Tomas Albrektsson

Department of Biomaterials, Institute of Clinical Sciences, The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Sweden



The topical use of platelet concentrates is recent and its efficiency remains controversial. Several techniques for platelet concentrates are available; however, their applications have been confusing because each method leads to a different product with different biology and potential uses. Here, we present classification of the different platelet concentrates into four categories, depending on their leucocyte and fibrin contentpure platelet-rich plasmaP-PRP, such as cell separator PRP, Vivostat PRF or Anitua's PRGF; Leucocyte- and platelet-rich plasmaL-PRP, such as Curasan, Regen, Plateltex, SmartPReP, PCCS, Magellan or GPS PRP; Pure plaletet-rich fibrinP-PRF, such as Fibrinet; and Leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrinL-PRF, such as Choukroun's PRF. This classification should help to elucidate successes and failures that have occurred so far, as well as providing an objective approach for the further development of these techniques.


Figure 1. Classical manual platelet-rich plasma (PRP) protocol using a two-step centrifugation procedure 8 and 16.

Step 1: Whole blood is collected with anticoagulants and briefly centrifuged with low forces (softspin). Three layers are obtained: red blood cells (RBCs), ‘buffy coat’ (BC) layer and platelet-poor plasma (PPP). Buffy coatBCis typically of whitish colour and contains the major proportion of the Platelets and Leucocytes.

Step 2A: For production of pure PRP (P-PRP), PPP and superficial BC are transferred to another tube. After hardspin centrifugation (at high centrifugal force), most of the PPP layer is discarded. The final P-PRP concentrate consists of an undetermined fraction of BC (containing a large number of platelets) suspended in some fibrin-rich plasma. Most leucocytes are not collected.

Step 2B: For production of leucocyte-rich PRP (L-PRP), PPP, the entire BC layer and some residual RBCs are transferred to another tube. After hardspin centrifugation, the PPP is discarded. The final L-PRP consists of the entire BC, which contains most of the platelets and leucocytes, and residual RBCs suspended in some fibrin-rich plasma. Therefore, the final product greatly depends on the means of BC collection. The transfer step is often performed with a syringe or pipette, with only eyeballing as measuring tool. Because the manual PRP process is not clearly defined, this protocol might randomly lead to P-PRP or L-PRP.

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Use of platelet-rich fibrin over skin woundsModified secondary intention healing1

Chirag B Desai1, Uma R Mahindra1, Yogesh K Kini2, Makarand K Bakshi1

1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rural Dental College, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni, Ahmednagar, India

2 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


Date of Web Publication   4-Apr-2013



Year : 2013 | Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | Page : 35-37



The healing process after any surgical intervention has always posed a challenge for the surgeons. In spite of the advances in wound closure techniques and devices, there is a crucial need for newer methods of enhancing the healing process to achieve optimal outcomes. Fibrin adhesives and Platelet concentrates have proven useful in various treatment modalities in the fields of microvascular and plastic surgery. This case report shows its unique use in the field of maxillofacial and cutaneous surgery. It shows an innovative technique of enhancement of skin wound healing by local application of Platelet-rich fibrin.


Keywords : Biologic dressing, modified secondary intention healing, platelet-rich fibrin



How to cite this article:

Desai CB, Mahindra UR, Kini YK, Bakshi MK. Use of platelet-rich fibrin over skin wounds: Modified secondary intention healing. J Cutan Aesthet Surg 2013;6:35-7


How to cite this URL:

Desai CB, Mahindra UR, Kini YK, Bakshi MK. Use of platelet-rich fibrin over skin wounds: Modified secondary intention healing. J Cutan Aesthet Surg [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Sep 28];6:35-7.

Available from: http://www.jcasonline.com/text.asp?2013/6/1/35/110096.



Despite the modern advances in wound closure techniques and devices, there is a vital need for newer methods of enhancing the healing process to achieve optimal outcomes. Wound healing is a complex sequence of intracellular and extracellular events regulated by signaling proteins. This process is, at present, not completely understood. One of the promising, but complicated areas of recent therapeutic development involves topical application of growth factors to enhance the normal healing process. This case report shows an innovative technique of enhancement of healing of skin wounds by local application of Platelet-rich fibrinPRFas a Biological dressing.


Case Report      

A 30-year-old man who suffered a motorcycle accident, reported to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, presenting with an avulsive wound, approximately 0.5 × 1 cm in size, on the lower lip in the midline region with a disruption of the vermilion border and a white roll [Figure 1]. The depth of the wound was uneven with muscle tissue loss in some regions. The patient had no medical history. Primary closure could have caused pouting of the lip. Healing by secondary intention could have resulted in fibrosis and development of a hideous scar. Therefore, it was decided to treat the defect by local application of a PRF membrane.      


Figure 1Avulsive wound over the lower lip

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台北榮總「切膚」培養萬能幹細胞 分化誘導視網膜細胞和心肌細胞複製器官快「成真」

作者:蔣志偉 | TVBS – 2013930










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Autolgous Growth Factor ConcentrateAGF凍晶





抗老專家黃禎淦醫師說明,具有〝啟動青春之鑰〞之稱的AGF凍晶(Autologous growth factor concentrate),其實就是由PRP演變而來。




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AGFAutologous Growth Factor 自體生長因子


採用來自瑞士的Regen LabRegenKit系統,證實萃取出的血小板是一般萃取方式的4倍濃度,並經由自體的凝血酶(Human Thrombin)促使血小板釋放出高濃度的9大類自體生長因子,可以快速達到啟動青春之鑰,看起來回復年輕。


1. AGF機轉祕密



2. Regen LabRegen Kit系統

瑞士Regen LabRegen Kit系統,有紅管及藍管,紅管在血液的離心過程可以離心出純化的PRP,還可以激活自體凝血酶(Human Thrombin),藍管在血液離心過程可以離心純化並具有活性的PRP,在藍管與紅管比例上73的調配,可以將藍管內的純化PRP激活出273倍的PRP能力,讓抗衰老拉提緊緻肌膚的功效,更加明顯,效果的持久。

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作者:【記者蔡清欽/台南報導】 | 台灣新生報 – 2013923








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中央社 – 201397


泰國英文報刊「民族報」(The Nation)今天報導,6個醫療專家團體警告,無照幹細胞治療可能會讓病人致死。

皇家醫師學院(Royal College of Physicians)、皮膚病學會(Dermatological Society)、泰國心臟協會(Heart Association of Thailand)、泰國血液學會(Thai Society of Haematology)、腎臟病學會(Nephrology Society)、神經內科學會(Neurology Society)昨天共同發表聲明,警告泰國民眾。

聲明指出,僅有泰國醫學委員會(Medical Council of Thailand)獲准使用幹細胞治療血液疾病,像白血病、惡性淋巴瘤、貧血等。

皇家醫師學院院長克林(Kriang Tungsanga)表示,研究幹細胞治療疾病的成效仍持續進行,但目前沒有科學證明,幹細胞治療可以有效延長壽命,或延緩器官惡化、甚至改善病人生活品質




克林(Kriang Tungsanga)不建議施行幹細胞治療,他指出,不適當使用幹細胞治療不只在泰國,錯誤使用幹細胞治療對病人有害,可能造成過敏或血管凝血、血液污染、癌細胞轉移等。


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