Classification of Platelet concentrates:from Pure platelet-rich plasma(P-PRP) to Leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin(L-PRF)(4)
Figure 4. Schematic illustration of the matrix and cell architecture of the four categories of platelet concentrates. Two key parameters are important: Leucocyte content (blue circles) and density of Fibrin (yellow/light-brown fibres). Platelet aggregates (light-grey shapes) are always assembled on the fibrin fibres. In typical P-PRP and L-PRP preparations (top panels), the fibrin network is immature and consists mainly of fibrillae with a small diameter (red arrows) due to simple fibre polymerization. This fibrin network supports platelet application during surgery but dissolves quickly like a fibrin glue. In P-PRF and L-PRF preparations (bottom panels), fibrin fibres are thick (black arrows) due to multiple fibre assembly and constitute a resistant matrix that can be considered as a fibrin biomaterial.