OEC自身細胞移植半癱男Darek Fidyka能走路
作者:尹德瀚╱綜合報導 | 中時電子報 – 2014年10月22日
因刀傷導致半身癱瘓的保加利亞男子費德卡(Darek Fidyka),在醫師將取自其鼻腔的細胞移植到其骨髓之後,目前靠輔助架已能行走。費德卡據信是史上第一位藉細胞移植而恢復脊髓功能的病患,其治療過程業經發表於醫學期刊《細胞移植》。
治療團隊從費德卡的鼻腔摘取一個主管嗅覺的嗅球(Olfactory bulb),放在培養皿中培養成嗅鞘細胞(OEC:Olfactory Ensheathing Cells),達到一定數量後,以微注射方式將OEC與嗅神經成纖維細胞(ONF:Olfactory Nerve Fibroblast)注入費德卡脊髓被切斷部位的上下方,從而建立一座神經橋。
Scientists from University College London(UCL)pioneered the breakthrough procedure.
It was designed to enable Darek Fidyka to walk again, after his spinal cord was sliced in half during a stabbing four years ago, leaving him paralysed below the waist.
The procedure involved transplanting Olfactory ensheathing cells – or OECs – from the nose to the spinal cord.
OECs assist the repair of damaged nerves in the nose that transmit smell messages to the brain.
The cells were transplanted into the spinal cord, using 100 micro injections across the site of the injury.
A small piece of nerve tissue, which was taken from the ankle, was grafted onto the 'gap' in the spinal cord to act as a scaffold for the spinal neurons to extend, as guided by the OECs.
This enabled the ends of severed nerve fibres to grow and join together – something that was previously thought to be impossible.
Three months after the operation, Mr Fidyka began to gain muscle in his left leg and regained sensations in it, such as hot and cold, and pins and needes.
A year later, he is able to walk again, with the aid of parallel bars.
(Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2800988/world-man-spinal-cord-severed-walks-paralysed-fireman-recovers-thanks-uk-research.html#ixzz3GpRIk786)