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美國《細胞移植雜誌》(Cell Transplantation):幹細胞治中風台灣醫療大突破











林欣榮說,這起研究已獲美國《細胞移植雜誌》(Cell Transplantation)接受,將於近日刊出他的實驗成果;這本雜誌在細胞研究方面排行世界第四,顯示台灣在幹細胞移植方面的成果確實獲得肯定。


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自由時報 – 201442






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作者:【記者蘇湘雲/台北報導】 | 台灣新生報 – 2014331







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撰文哈爾蒙(Katherine Harmon










參加TED(科技、娛樂、設計)演講的觀眾已經習慣先進科技所帶來的驚奇,即使如此,2011年美國威克富瑞斯特大學再生醫學研究所的艾塔拉(Anthony Atala)的演講仍讓人覺得不可思議。觀眾在第一時間,並沒有看到舞台上艾塔拉背後有一堆發出嗡嗡聲的瓶子和管子正在進行著神秘的實驗。當演講進行到2/3時,鏡頭拉近到這個設備的內部噴頭,畫面中它來回移動,以極為精確的立體藍圖為本,把實驗室中培養的活細胞一層一層放置到中央平台上。這個過程稱為3D列印,和墨水列印類似,但在這裡使用的不是墨水,而是含有活細胞的液體。最後,艾塔拉的機器把人類細胞層層疊成與活體大小相同的腎臟,就像用3D印表機製作出咖啡機的塑膠零件。



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撰文/藍札(Robert Lanza)、羅森塔爾(Nadia Rosenthal




幹細胞(stem cell)為衰敗的器官和目前無可醫的疾病,燃起了重生的希望。病患看到幹細胞幾乎神乎其技的報導後大受鼓舞,然而大部份炒得最熱的科學研究,隨後都遭到反駁。在爭論人類胚胎的幹細胞取得的正當性之際,還有其他研究結果也遭扭曲失真。



在各種形式的幹細胞中,最多才多藝的就屬「胚胎幹細胞」(embryonic stem cell, ES cell),而最早的胚胎幹細胞是在20多年前從小鼠的胚胎中分離出來的。胚胎幹細胞來自非常早期的胚胎,在正常狀況下,它們會形成較晚期胚胎中,三種不同的胚層,最後再衍生出身體內所有不同的組織。由於胚胎幹細胞保有製造體內任何類型細胞的潛在能力,因此它們是多能性的(pluripotent)。


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法新社 – 2014329




紐約大學(New York University)系統遺傳學研究所(Institute for Systems Genetics)所長博克(Jef Boeke)說:「我們的研究將合成生物學指針由理論移到現實。」







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作者:【記者蘇湘雲/綜合外電報導】 | 台灣新生報 – 2014324






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東森新聞 – 2014314




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作者:黃菁菁東京12日電 | 中時電子報 – 2014313上午5:56






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螢幕擷取畫面 (122)  

Comorbidities, not age, impact outcomes in autologous stem cell transplant for relapsed non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Wildes TM1, Augustin KM, Sempek D, Zhang QJ, Vij R, Dipersio JF, Devine SM.

Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2008 Jul;14(7):840-6.

doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2008.05.002.



High-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation is a widely applied treatment for advanced non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), but few studies have analyzed the tolerability and outcomes in older patients compared with younger patients treated in a homogeneous manner. We retrospectively reviewed 152 consecutive patients who underwent autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) following BEAM conditioning (carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine, and melphalan) for NHL from January 2000 through August 2004 at our institution. We compared 59 patients age > or =60 years and 93 patients age <60 years. Supportive care was identical for all patients. The frequency of comorbidities was similar between both groups. CD34+ cell doses, days to neutrophil recovery, and days to platelet count >20,000/mm3 were similar in younger and older patients, although days to platelet count >50,000/mm3 were longer in the older patients (median 30.0 days versus 22.5 days, P = .01). Patients over the age of 60 were more likely to develop grade III/IV mucositis than their younger counterparts (37.7% versus17.4%, P = .0063). Otherwise, the frequency of other grade III/IV toxicities were similar between younger and older patients. Treatment-related mortality (TRM) was similar between older and younger patients (8.5% versus 5.4%, P = .45). Although age was not associated with TRM, the Charlson Comorbidity Index Score was significantly correlated with TRM (P = .03). Median disease-free survival was similar between older and younger patients (21.8 months versus 29.9 months, P = .93), as was overall survival (OS) (47.7 months versus 62.5 months, P = .20). After controlling for age, the Charlson Comorbidity Index Score influenced OS [P = .013]. Overall, our cohort of patients with NHL over the age of 60 who underwent ASCT following BEAM conditioning experienced toxicities and survival similar to their younger counterparts. Comorbidities significantly influenced TRM and OS in this retrospective cohort. Future study should focus on improving tolerability of conditioning and careful prospective evaluation of comorbidities and their association with outcomes.

PMID: 18541205 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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螢幕擷取畫面 (121)  1393163141-28101129091393163141-3391011566  1393163141-290945481

Donor age negatively impacts adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cell expansion and differentiation

Mahmood S Choudhery12, Michael Badowski2, Angela Muise2, John Pierce3 and David T Harris2*

* Corresponding author : David T Harris davidh@email.arizona.edu


Author Affiliations

1 Advanced Centre of Research in Biomedical Sciences, King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan

2 Department of Immunobiology, College of Medicine, The University of Arizona, PO Box 245221, 85724, Tucson, AZ, USA

3 Aesthetic Surgery of Tucson, Tucson, AZ, USA


Journal of Translational Medicine 2014, 12:8




The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at : http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/12/1/8

Received : 23 September 2013

Accepted : 3 December 2013

Published : 7 January 2014


© 2014 Choudhery et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.




Human adipose tissue is an ideal autologous source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for various regenerative medicine and tissue engineering strategies. Aged patients are one of the primary target populations for many promising applications. It has long been known that advanced age is negatively correlated with an organism’s reparative and regenerative potential, but little and conflicting information is available about the effects of age on the quality of human adipose tissue derived MSCs (hAT-MSCs).



To study the influence of age, the expansion and in vitro differentiation potential of hAT-MSCs from young (<30 years), adult (35-50 years) and aged (>60 years) individuals were investigated. MSCs were characterized for expression of the genes p16INK4a and p21 along with measurements of population doublings (PD), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, cellular senescence and differentiation potential.



Aged MSCs displayed senescent features when compared with cells isolated from young donors, concomitant with reduced viability and proliferation. These features were also associated with significantly reduced differentiation potential in aged MSCs compared to young MSCs.



In conclusion, advancing age negatively impacts stem cell function and such age related alterations may be detrimental for successful stem cell therapies.


Keywords : Adipose tissue; Mesenchymal stem cells; Donor age; Regenerative potential; Growth kinetics; In vitro differentiation potential


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Fat Stem Cells are not affected by Weight or Age

Mojallal et al.

Aesthetic Plast Surg.


Fat represents a potent source of autologous stem cells. Historically, the majority of research using autologous stem cells involved stem cells collected from the bone marrow. This source is associated with a painful extraction procedure and relatively low concentrations of mesenchymal stem cells. In contract, mini-liposuctions represent a less invasive extraction approach. Additionally, adipose tissue has been shown to contain substantially higher number of mesenchymal stem cells as well as hematopoietic stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells.

The use of fat derived stem cells has grown exponentially in recent years for numerous indications. Perhaps the largest data set for fat derived stem cells is possessed by Dr. Bob Harman from Vet Stem, who has treated a total of more than 10,000 large animals with this procedure. The Cellmedicine clinic has had an excellent track record of success using autologous fat for treatment of multiple sclerosis having treated more than 200 patients.

One of the major limiting factors of stem cell therapy using your own stem cells (autologous) is that the potency and number of stem cells is believed to decrease with age and disease. These studies, however, have been performed primarily from bone marrow sources of stem cells. Any hematologist will tell you that with age the bone marrow becomes drier and possesses less cells. Studies have shown that bone marrow stem cells from patients with Diabetes or from Obese patients have less activity as compared to age matched controls. There has been some thought that the stem cells in the adipose tissue are protected from age and disease. A current studyMojallal et al. Influence of Age and Body Mass Index on the Yield and Proliferation Capacity of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 May 26from the Service de Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique in Lyon France sought to address this. The investigators assessed 42 women who were divided into two groups: age ≤ 40 or >40 and BMI ≤ 25 or >25. Fat tissue was harvested via manual lipoaspiration from the abdominal region. After centrifugation, 100 ml of lipoaspirate was sent to the laboratory for isolation and cultivation of ASCs. The investigators found that average cell yield was 0.380 × 10(6)/ml. Cell yield and proliferation capacity did not show statistically significant correlation to the Age and BMI of patients, nor was there a statistically significant difference between cell yield and proliferation capacity between the different groups.

The study looked at some very basic parameters : cell number, viability and proliferative ability. It may be that adipose stem cells may exhibit differences in immune modulatory potential or differentiation potential between donors. This was not assessed. Additionally, the adipose derived cells were not assessed between donors suffering from different conditions. Despite these shortcomings, the data appears to support the hypothesis that adipose derived stem cells may have some advantages as compared to bone marrow stem cells, at least for autologous uses.


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螢幕擷取畫面 (119)  

Chondrogenic Potential of Human Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells Is Independent of Age or Osteoarthritis Etiology

Alwin Scharstuhl1,2, Bernhard Schewe3, Karin Benz1, Christoph Gaissmaier3,

Hans-Jörg Bühring4, Reinout Stoop Ph.D.1,*


Article first published online: 13 SEP 2007

DOI: 10.1634/stemcells.2007-0300

Copyright © 2007 AlphaMed Press

STEM CELLS Volume 25, Issue 12, pages 3244–3251, December 2007


Keywords :

Mesenchymal stem cells ; Differentiation ; Isolation ; Chondrogenic differentiation ; Age-related ; Etiology



Osteoarthritis (OA) is a multifactorial disease strongly correlated with history of joint trauma, joint dysplasia, and advanced age. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are promising cells for biological cartilage regeneration. Conflicting data have been published concerning the availability of MSCs from the iliac crest, depending on age and overall physical fitness. Here, we analyzed whether the availability and chondrogenic differentiation capacity of MSCs isolated from the femoral shaft as an alternative source is age- or OA etiology-dependent. MSCs were isolated from the bone marrow (BM) of 98 patients, categorized into three OA-etiology groups (age-related, joint trauma, joint dysplasia) at the time of total hip replacement. All BM samples were characterized for cell yield, proliferation capacity, and phenotype. Chondrogenic differentiation was studied using micromass culture and analyzed by histology, immunohistochemistry, and quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Significant volumes of viable BM (up to 25 ml) could be harvested from the femoral shaft without observing donor-site morbidity, typically containing >107 mononuclear cells per milliliter. No correlation of Age or OA etiology with the number of mononuclear cells in BM, MSC yield, or cell size was found. Proliferative capacity and cellular spectrum of the harvested cells were independent of age and cause of OA. From all tested donors, MSCs could be differentiated into the chondrogenic lineage. We conclude that, irrespective of age and OA etiology, sufficient numbers of MSCs can be isolated and that these cells possess an adequate chondrogenic differentiation potential. Therefore, a therapeutic application of MSCs for cartilage regeneration of OA lesions seems feasible.

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日本學者小保方晴子Haruko Obokata STAP cell資料有瑕疵幹細胞學者籲撤研究

作者:林步昇 | 中央廣播電台 – 2014311



這項研究報告刊登於英國期刊自然Nature 1月號,由日本學者小保方晴子Haruko Obokata與駐美科學家共同發表,內容引介了一項簡單的技術,可望藉此於實驗室培養可供移植的細胞組織。



身為文章共同作者的日本山梨大學教授若山照彥Teruhiko Wakayama表示,該團隊的研究應予以撤除,並說道,「資料本身就有這麼多錯誤,教人難以相信研究結果」。


但另一位共同作者、哈佛醫學院細胞組織工程師維肯提Charles Vacanti則支持研究結果,認為儘管資料有「小錯」,這份報告仍不應就此被撤除,資料和結論都經得起檢驗。

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線粒體移植(Mitochondria transplantation英擬年底實施

作者:【記者陳敬哲/綜和外電報導】 | 台灣新生報 – 201434






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Inducing pluripotency5


4. Cell explantation

The derivation of pluripotent ES and EG cells from mammalian embryos and EC cells from tumors is well-established, but until very recently there was little evidence for the generation of pluripotent cells directly from post-natal or adult mammals by simply explanting cells into appropriate culture conditions. Initial reports of the discovery of Multipotent adult progenitor cellsMAPCsin the bone marrowJiang et al., 2002and the Transdifferentiation of adult somatic stem cellsKrause et al., 2001; Lagasse et al., 2000have to date proven refractory to independent verification, perhaps a reflection of the low stringency of analysis with which such claims of pluripotency have often been evaluatedJaenisch and Young, 2008; Wagers et al., 2002. For instance, the mere expression of “marker” genes for different lineages does not necessarily reflect a functional demonstration of pluripotency, and is thus insufficient to justify a claim of pluripotency. A particularly noteworthy example is the recent finding that three ubiquitously-used and widely accepted markers of neuronal lineagesNestin, NeuroD1, and beta-III-Tubulincan be activated in response to cellular stress without corresponding changes in cell fate or identityCroft and Przyborski, 2006; Neuhuber et al., 2004. Even in the very limited instances where a novel cellular function was demonstrated following a claim of transdifferentiation or culture-induced reprogrammingLagasse et al., 2000, subsequent studies found that results were better explained by fusion of donor cells with cells in either recipient animalsVassilopoulos et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2003or co-culture conditionsTerada et al., 2002; Ying et al., 2002.

Although these early reports proved erroneous, a series of three recent studies indicates that pluripotent stem cells can be derived directly from neonatalKanatsu-Shinohara et al., 2004, and adultGuan et al., 2006; Seandel et al., 2007, testes following cell explantation and culture in the presence of appropriate growth factors. Reasoning that EG and EC cells originate from germ cells in the embryo, and noting that some authors have suggested ES cells may have an origin in very early Primordial germ cellsPGCsZwaka and Thomson, 2005, the germline seemed the most reasonable place to look for a conserved post-natal ability to give rise to pluripotent cells. These cells, termed Multipotent adult germline stem cellsmaGSCsGuan et al., 2006or Multipotent adult spermatogonial-derived stem cellsMASCsSeandel et al., 2007, share many of the hallmark properties of ES cells including marker expression, multilineage differentiation, and even contribution to germline chimeras in some casesGuan et al., 2006; Kanatsu-Shinohara et al., 2004.

A key difference, however, between adult testes-derived pluripotent cells and ES cells is the status of their Epigenetic imprints. Beginning with PGCs and throughout the process of spermatogenesis, Somatic imprints are erased and replaced with paternal imprintingHernandez et al., 2003. Reflecting these developmental changes, the testes-derived pluripotent cells, as well as EG cells, have erased somatic imprints and have partially established male imprintsKanatsu-Shinohara et al., 2004. ES cells, on the other hand, maintain the somatic imprints found in the developing embryo and most normal adult tissuesKanatsu-Shinohara et al., 2004; Tada et al., 2001. The significance of this difference is highlighted when one considers the phenotypes of ES cells, and the mice derived from them, which carry either no imprintsHolm et al., 2005or dipaternal imprintsHernandez et al., 2003. Transient deactivation of the DNA methytransferase Dnmt1 was used in one study to erase the imprints in mouse ES cells. Although these ES cells continued to self-renew in culture and contribute to high-grade chimeric mice, these chimeras developed widespread tumorigenesis within their first yearHolm et al., 2005. The case for dipaternal imprints is even more severe. Fibroblasts derived from androgenetic embryosthat is, produced from two male gametesgrow with an overtly transformed phenotype and ES cells derived from these embryos fail to contribute appreciably to chimerasHernandez et al., 2003. Although the maGSCs/MASCs are neither fully imprint-free nor entirely dipaternal, their intermediate state between these two extremes is still cause for concern. Hence, besides the obvious limitation in the exclusion of roughly half of the adult population, these questions and risks surrounding the imprinting status of testes-derived pluripotent cells makes them an inherently unattractive source of material for cell therapy.

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Inducing pluripotency4


3. Cellular fusion

Fusion of various somatic cells and cell lines, generally using interspecies hybrids to distinguish genes expressed from each nucleus, has long been used to investigate phenotypic dominance at the cellular level. For instance, when fibroblasts are fused to myoblasts, are the resulting hybrids more like fibroblasts, myoblasts, or something in between?(Harris, 1965; Mevel-Ninio and Weiss, 1981; Wright, 1984. Initial results indicating that some cellular identities could dominate over others in hybrids generated hope that this system could be used to investigate the mechanisms of this fate respecification as a proxy for understanding the effectors of cell fate decisions normally made in the process of developmentBlau et al., 1985; Boshart et al., 1993. However, between technical problems with interspecies fusion and the derivation of Embryonal carcinomaEC; Martin and Evans, 1975, and subsequently ES cellsEvans and Kaufman, 1981; Martin, 1981, as more accurate in vitro models for cell fate determination, work with fusion waned considerably for several decades. Interest in this line of investigation was reinvigorated following the advent of mammalian NT and the subsequent speculation about the prospects of nuclear reprogramming for regenerative medicine. The observation that a pluripotent phenotype appeared to dominate following the fusion of murine somatic cells to ECMiller and Ruddle, 1976, Embryonic germEG; Tada et al., 1997, and ESTada et al., 2003; Tada et al., 2001cells seemed to promise that somatic-stem cell fusion might be an appealing alternative to inefficient and challenging NT. It was hoped that this system could be used for either the study of the mechanisms of nuclear reprogramming or perhaps eventually the direct production of patient-specific pluripotent stem cells. A report demonstrating that this capacity to reprogram somatic cells was conserved in human, as well as mouse, ES cells was further encouragement and represented the first demonstration of successful nuclear reprogramming of human somatic cellsCowan et al., 2005.

Despite this excitement, the fusion of ES and Somatic cells, as well as the subsequent Reprogramming, has proven to be quite inefficientCowan et al., 2005; Hochedlinger and Jaenisch, 2006; Tada et al., 2001, limiting its usefulness in the study of the genetics and epigenetics of reprogramming. To date, therefore, investigators have focused on increasing these efficiencies by overexpressing genes already known to be important for pluripotencySilva et al., 2006, rather than providing new insights about pluripotency and reprogramming through fusion. Moreover, the problems associated with inefficiency are only compounded by the Tetraploid nature of the Hybrids generated by the Fusion itself. The presence of two complete genomes has severely limited the utility of this methodology for the study of reprogramming as well as presenting an enormous technical barrier to the production of autologous stem cells.

While the use of mature lymphocyteswhich undergo a genetic rearrangement late in developmentas the somatic fusion partner in the initial reports with mouse ES cells left no question that a terminally differentiated cell was being subjected to an ES cell environmentTada et al., 2003; Tada et al., 2001, determination of the extent of reprogramming has been less straightforward. Notably, the inability of tetraploid cells to contribute significantly to a chimeric embryo has limited the characterization of the pluripotency of the hybrid cells to less-stringent in vitro assaysJaenisch and Young, 2008; Nagy et al., 1990; Tada et al., 2001. Even more pressing, however, are questions regarding the state of the Somatic chromatin in the hybrid. Has the somatic nucleus truly been restored to a pluripotent state, or has it simply silenced the transcription of genes specific to the differentiated state, allowing the pluripotent ES nucleus control the hybrid cell's identityStudies have sought to address this concern by demonstrating the Reactivation of the silent X-chromosome in hybrids formed with female somatic cellsTada et al., 2001, activation of reporter genesCowan et al., 2005; Tada et al., 2001, the absence of appreciable DNA methylation at pluripotency-associated lociindicating Demethylation occurred in the Somatic chromatin; Cowan et al., 2005, and the expression of some Somatic-nucleus derived ES cell-associated genes by looking for specific Single nucleotide polymorphismsSNPsin hybrid cell transcriptsCowan et al., 2005; Tada et al., 2003. Although some studies have made use of relatively divergent strains of mice to facilitate these analysesTada et al., 2003, genome-wide allele-specific expression analysis would help to elucidate the state of the somatic nucleus, but has yet to be performed with either mouse or human hybrid ES cells.

Tetraploidy also presents the most significant hindrance to the use of fusion in generating patient-specific stem cells as elimination of the ES cell genome after reprogramming will be necessary to produce autologous cells. The requirement for an ES cell nucleus was demonstrated directly by one study which used ultracentrifugation of ES cellsprior to fusionto separate nuclear and cytoplasmic material. Pluripotent cell lines could be generated following Fusion of isolated nucleiNucleoplastswith somatic cells, but Not following fusion to the enucleated cytoplastsDo and Scholer, 2004. While these authors concluded that ES cell chromatin was required for Reprogramming after hybrid formation, the successful NT results with metaphase-arrested zygotes discussed aboveEgli et al., 2007raises the possibility that mitotically arrested ES cell cytoplasts might also be capable of inducing a pluripotent state on somatic chromatin and may present a worthwhile avenue for future study. In addition to attempts to mechanically eliminate the ES cell chromatin with ultracentrifugation, a genetic system aimed at the same goal has also been developed, but to date only the elimination of a single chromosome has been demonstratedMatsumura et al., 2007. This system, depicted in Figure 4, makes use of Cre-mediated DNA recombination between sister chromatids to generate abnormal chromosomes which are eliminated during cell division. Although promising in principle, it remains unclear whether this technique could be used to simultaneously remove the entire ES-cell genome without introducing widespread genomic rearrangements and instability. Without an effective strategy for the disposal of the ES cell's genetic material, it may never be possible to use fusion to produce therapeutically relevant stem cells, nor for that matter, even to determine unambiguously whether the somatic chromatin has been fully reprogrammed.


Figure 4. Progress towards the elimination of ES nucleus following fusion, as described by Matsumura et al.Matsumura et al., 2007. A “Chromosome Elimination CassetteCECconsisting of two oppositely-oriented LoxP sites flanking a GFP transgene is introduced into the ES cell genome in a single copy. Following DNA replication, the introduction of Cre mediates recombination between the CEC's on the two sister chromatids, yielding abnormal chromosomes with either no centromerenullicentricor two centromeresdicentric. During cell division, these abnormal chromosomes are naturally eliminated, thereby removing the ES cell-derived chromosome from the hybrid cell.

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Human blastocyst-derived pluripotent cell

Human blastocyst-derived, pluripotent cell lines are described that have normal karyotypes, express high levels of telomerase activity, and express cell surface markers that characterize primate embryonic stem cells but do not characterize other early lineages.

After undifferentiated proliferation in vitro for 4 to 5 months, these cells still maintained the developmental potential to form trophoblast and derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers, including gut epithelium (endoderm); cartilage, bone, smooth muscle, and striated muscle (mesoderm); and neural epithelium, embryonic ganglia, and stratified squamous epithelium (ectoderm).

These cell lines should be useful in human developmental biology, drug discovery, and transplantation medicine.

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Inducing pluripotency3

Four techniques for restoring developmental potential to a somatic nucleus have been described in the literature. In nuclear transfer, the genetic material of an oocyte or zygote is replaced with that of a differentiated cell such as a fibroblast. Following development to the blastocyst stage, Pluripotent ntES cells can be derived as from fertilized embryos. In cellular fusion, hybridization between ES cells and somatic cells yields Tetraploid ES cell lines. In direct reprogramming, the retroviral-mediated introduction of a small number of transcription factors is sufficient to confer a pluripotent phenotype. Finally, explantation of testes tissue from neonatal and adult mice into appropriate culture conditions has been shown to result in the production of Multipotent adult spermatagonialMAScells.


2. Nuclear transfer

Building on the early work of developmental biology pioneers such as SpemannGurdon and Byrne, 2003; Spemann, 1938, Nuclear transferNTalso commonly called Somatic cell nuclear transferSCNTexperiments were first devised in the 1950s as a means to investigate the constancy of the genome: that is, whether cells maintained the full complement of genomic information as they became more differentiated. At the time, many believed that each cell fate decision during development involved the progressive loss of genes that would not be used by the more differentiated progeny. For instance, ectoderm precursors eliminating all endoderm- and mesoderm-specific genes, then eliminating skin-specific genes as the decision to become a neural precursor is made, eventually yielding a specific type of neuron with a minimal genome containing only the genes which would actually be transcribed. NT experiments in the frogs Rana pipiens by Briggs and KingBriggs and King, 1952and Xenopus laevis by GurdonGurdon et al., 1958Gurdon et al., 1975indicated that, although the generation of clones became less and less efficient as the developmental age of the donor nucleus increased, it was possible to obtain heartbeat-stage tadpoles from terminally differentiated adult cells. It was not until the more recent cloning of Dolly the sheepWilmut et al., 1997, however, that researchers succeeded in using a cell from an adult animal to generate another healthy, fertile adult, thereby demonstrating that the nuclei of at least some cells in the adult maintained a full developmental capacity. While an important finding, many speculated that the rare cloned adult animals could have arisen from the nucleus of an equally rare somatic stem cell. Definitive demonstration that terminally differentiated adult nuclei maintain full developmental capacity was later achieved in mouse studies using Mature lymphocytesHochedlinger and Jaenisch, 2002Inoue et al., 2005and Olfactory neuronsEggan et al., 2004as NT donors.

Dolly's birth and an initial report of the derivation of human ES cells from discarded in vitro fertilizationIVFembryos shortly thereafterThomson et al., 1998led to wide speculation in both the media and scientific community about the possibility of therapeutic cloning. That is, performing Nuclear transfer with a patient's Somatic cells to generate a Preimplantation embryo from which patient-specific ES cells might be derived for use in personalized regenerative medicine. With this motivation, several studies in mouse have sought to compare the properties of SCNT-derived ESntEScells with those derived from naturally fertilized embryosBrambrink et al., 2006; Wakayama et al., 2006, as well as show proof-of-principle demonstrations of these cells’ utility in regenerative medicineBarberi et al., 2003; Rideout et al., 2002; Tabar et al., 2008. The equivalence of ntES cells to ES cells from fertilized embryos was of particular concern because of the low efficiencies and common health defects associated with animals brought to term after reproductive cloningEggan et al., 2001; Gurdon and Byrne, 2003; Humpherys et al., 2001. Despite these defects, however, two studies evaluating the transcriptional profiles, DNA methylation patterns, and in vitro differentiation capacity found that mouse ntES cell lines were identical in all regards to genetically-matched control ES cell lines derived after fertilizationBrambrink et al., 2006; Wakayama et al., 2006. These reassuring results, paired with reports using ntES cells to treat mouse models of both severe compromised immunodeficiencyRideout et al., 2002and Parkinson's diseasesBarberi et al., 2003Tabar et al., 2008after in vitro genetic manipulations and differentiation into the required cell types, generated immense hope that applications to human diseases were immediately on the horizon.

While ntES cells hold great promise for the field of regenerative medicine, the technique has several significant drawbacks that hinder its potential for widespread application to medicine or even to the study of the process of nuclear reprogramming. Obstacles associated with the requirement for a scarce and politically charged cell type, human oocytes, as a recipient cytoplasm are only amplified by the extreme technical challenge of a method plagued with inherent inefficiencies. Moreover, the experimental requirements for successful nuclear transfer in primates appear to be considerably different than other species, with attempts to apply the methods and techniques from mouse directly to human thus far yielding nothing more than false startsKennedy, 2006and the rare report of NT-derived blastocysts but with no ES cell lines derived from themFrench et al., 2008; Stojkovic et al., 2005. Likewise, only very recently has successful nuclear transfer in monkeys been reportedByrne et al., 2007, but the technical refinements developed here have failed to immediately translate into advances with human cells.

A particularly severe limitation of human therapeutic cloning which has significantly hindered researchers’ capacity to develop the technique is the difficulty in obtaining donated oocytes. A 2007 study in mouse suggests that there may be alternative sources for the recipient cytoplastEgli et al., 2007. While early mouse NT studies in which the enucleated interphase zygote was used as a recipient lead to the conclusion that reprogramming capacity was lost following fertilizationMcGrath and Solter, 1984Wakayama et al., 2000, Egli and coworkers demonstrated that by removing the chromatin from a zygote arrested in metaphase just prior to the first cell division and introducing the chromatin from a metaphase-arrested somatic cell into this cytoplast, reprogramming could occur with success rates comparable to NT into the mature oocytewhich is naturally arrested in metaphasesee Figure 3. The authors reasoned, therefore, that nuclear factors, trapped in the interphase nucleus but present in the cytoplasm during metaphase due to nuclear envelope breakdown, were necessary for reprogramming to occur. Not only might the Metaphase zygote therefore serve as an appropriate recipient for NT, but this result suggests that other Cleavage-stage blastomeres, arrested in mitosis, may be as well. These findings both shed some mechanistic light on the process of reprogramming and open the door to using a wider range of materials for human NT experiments. Although on the surface this study holds great promise for human NT experiments, it is unfortunately not common IVF practice to freeze or discard zygotes or early cleavage-stage embryos, as embryo quality can be difficult to assess so soon following fertilizationSalumets et al., 2001. Of particular interest, however, Egli et al. further demonstrated that Polyspermic zygotesthat is, embryos fertilized with multiple spermcould be used for successful nuclear transfer. Multiple fertilization is relatively common in IVFroughly 3–5% of zygotesand these embryos, which have no clinical use, are routinely discardedAnon, 2004van der Ven et al., 1985. As such, discarded polyspermic IVF embryos may present a valuable new avenue towards success in human nuclear transfer.


Figure 3. Reprogramming capacity in NT depends on cell-cycle status, as demonstrated by Egli et al.Egli et al., 2007.


Development fails after replacing the interphase nucleus of either a germinal-vesicle stage oocyte or pronuclear zygote with somatic chromatin. However, Transfer of somatic chromatin into either the MII-arrested oocyte or a Zygote arrested with a drug in the first mitosis allows for the generation of cloned mice and ntES cells.

Despite the challenges and limited achievements in human, NT remains the “Gold standard” in Nuclear reprogramming with clear demonstrations of the production of both Healthy clones and Pluripotent stem cells identical to those derived from fertilized embryos. Nevertheless, the development of more robust and technically simple reprogramming methodsdiscussed belowappears to be at hand, leading some authors to write obituaries for SCNTCibelli, 2007Highfield, 2007. Whether these eulogies are premature or whether the quality of pluripotent cells generated by newer techniques will prove to be as high as ntES is presently an area of intense investigation.

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Inducing pluripotency2

The second advantage of autologous ES cells over existing lines concerns the ability to create effective disease models. While some success has been reported recently in the in vitro Modeling of degenerative diseases by introducing known Disease-causing alleles into ES cellsDi Giorgio et al., 2007; Nagai et al., 2007; Yamashita et al., 2006, or by using ES cell lines established from embryos following Preimplantation genetic diagnosisEiges et al., 2007, such models are severely limited in their scope as they can only investigate the mechanisms of diseases for which causal genetic liaisons have been identified. Unfortunately, however, this is not the case for many conditions. For instance, fewer than 10% of patients with Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisALS, also know as Lou Gehrig's Diseasesuffer from a familial form of the disease with a known genetic correlateDunckley et al., 2007. It therefore remains unclear whether recent progress with models studying a handful of known disease-causing alleles is applicable to the vast majority of patients with sporadic forms of this degenerative condition. Disease models using pluripotent cells generated directly from patients with these sporadic conditions could directly address such questions, as well as provide new insights into the mechanisms and progression of such syndromes.

This chapter focuses on the methods and techniques available for the production of Patient-specific pluripotent cells, the promises and limitations of each technology, and a discussion of the current progress towards this goal. Several techniques have been described for restoring developmental potential to a terminally differentiated nucleussee Figure 2. These includeNuclear transfer, wherein the chromatin of an oocyte or zygote is replaced with that of a somatic donor cell;

Fusion of somatic cells to ES cells;

Cell-culture-induced reprogramming after explantation of tissue from neonatal or adult testes;

and the Retroviral-mediated introduction of a small number of genes known to play a role in pluripotency. The advances, breakthroughs, and challenges surrounding each of these methods are discussed in detail below.


Figure 2. Methods of nuclear reprogramming, their advantages and limitations.

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