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山茶花油、角鯊烯精華油Squalene Oil、馬油、荷荷芭油及橄欖油等純油因為都不含界面活性劑,或許比乳霜來得好一點。但因為油會溶於油中,如果用量少,它們會溶入細胞間質中,被皮膚組織視為雜質引發排斥反應;如果用量多,它們就會直接將細胞間質整個溶解掉





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放射治療痛如灼傷 鋰元素修護皮膚

作者:華人健康網記者馬婉娟/台北報導 | 華人健康網 – 20131028




放射治療致皮膚炎 痛如灼傷




發炎關鍵物質Substance P 鋰元素可抑制

塗抹含鋰元素的修護乳液可延緩放射線皮膚炎,關鍵就在於Substance P(物質P),因近年研究發現,病患接受放射線治療後,體內會產生大量物質P,而物質P跟體內某種受體結合後,會釋放出過敏因子,誘發皮膚炎,因此阻斷物質P作用,就可減少皮膚黏膜損傷與纖維化情形,傷口沾黏情況也可減少。



居家護理 禁洗過熱水禁摩擦



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破除減重迷思 代餐素食減肥藥全NG

優活健康網 – 2013104
























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wrinkle-creams  4039_eye-contour-anti-wrinkle-cream  6806110_320x385  Intensive Anti Wrinkle Cream  

A randomized, controlled comparative study of the Wrinkle reduction benefits of a cosmetic Niacinamide/Peptide/Retinyl propionate product regimen vs. a prescription 0·02% Tretinoin product regimen

J.J.J. Fu1, G.G. Hillebrand2, P. Raleigh2, J. Li2, M.J. Marmor2, V. Bertucci3, P.E. Grimes4, S.H. Mandy5, M.I. Perez6, S.H. Weinkle7, J.R. Kaczvinsky2

Article first published online : 8 AUG 2009

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2009.09436.x

© 2010 The Authors. Journal Compilation

© 2010 British Association of Dermatologists

British Journal of Dermatology

Volume 162, Issue 3, pages 647–654, March 2010



Conflicts of interest J.J.J.F., V.B., P.E.G., S.H.M., M.I.P. and S.H.W. are all paid consultants to Procter & Gamble. G.G.H., P.S.R., J.L., M.J.M. and J.R.K. are all employed by Procter & Gamble. This study was funded by Procter & Gamble Beauty, Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A.


Re-use of this article is permitted in accordance with the Creative Commons Deed, Attribution 2.5, which does not permit commercial exploitation.


Keywords :

anti-ageing; niacinamide; retinyl propionate; skin care; tretinoin; wrinkles



Summary Background 

Tretinoin is considered the benchmark prescription topical therapy for improving fine facial wrinkles, but skin tolerance issues can affect patient compliance. In contrast, cosmetic antiwrinkle products are well tolerated but are generally presumed to be less efficacious than tretinoin.



To compare the efficacy of a cosmetic moisturizer regimen vs. a prescription regimen with 0·02% tretinoin for improving the appearance of facial wrinkles.



An 8-week, randomized, parallel-group study was conducted in 196 women with moderate to moderately severe periorbital wrinkles. Following 2 weeks washout, subjects on the cosmetic regimen (n = 99) used a sun protection factor (SPF) 30 moisturizing lotion containing 5% Niacinamide, Peptides and Antioxidants, a moisturizing cream containing niacinamide and peptides, and a targeted wrinkle product containing niacinamide, peptides and 0·3% retinyl propionate. Subjects on the prescription regimen (n = 97) used 0·02% tretinoin plus moisturizing SPF 30 sunscreen. Subject cohorts (n = 25) continued treatment for an additional 16 weeks. Changes in facial wrinkling were assessed by both expert grading and image analysis of digital images of subjects’ faces and by self-assessment questionnaire. Product tolerance was assessed via clinical erythema and dryness grading, subject self-assessment, and determinations of skin barrier integrity (transepidermal water loss) and stratum corneum protein changes.



The cosmetic regimen significantly improved wrinkle appearance after 8 weeks relative to tretinoin, with comparable benefits after 24 weeks. The cosmetic regimen was significantly better tolerated than tretinoin through 8 weeks by all measures.



An appropriately designed cosmetic regimen can improve facial wrinkle appearance comparably with the benchmark prescription treatment, with improved tolerability.

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First anti-wrinkle pill shows signs of success

21 September 2011

by Andy Coghlan

Magazine issue 2831.

Editorial : "Gene foodsA wrinkle in food and drug regulation"

Fig.1 Smoother in three months?(ImageBüro Monaco/Plain picture

Fig.2 Human trials show a new capsule containing natural food extracts appears to shrink wrinkles by activating master genes, making skin more elastic


BEAUTY may be no more than skin-deep, but many of us think that leaves plenty of room for improvement. So a new dietary treatment that promises to shrink wrinkles from inside the skin is bound to be big news when it is launched next month.

The makers of the three-a-day capsules say they use blends of natural food extracts to activate genes that improve skin tone - and early results suggest they may be on the right track.

If the results stand up to scrutiny, the capsules will be the first anti-wrinkle treatment to show evidence of combating wrinkling from the deeper layers of skin. But they will not be the first to win scientific backing - some skin creams have been shown in peer-reviewed journals to help reduce wrinklesBritish Journal of Dermatology, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2009.09436.x.

Independent researchers contacted by New Scientist said that the preliminary results are intriguing and commended the team developing the capsules for conducting a double-blind trial - testing them against a placebo with neither researchers nor recipients knowing until afterwards who had received what. They say they will be sceptical, however, until a peer-reviewed journal has published the results in full, and acknowledge that attempts to erase the signs of ageing don't sit well with everyone.

The "gene food" treatment is the work of John Casey's team at the laboratories of Unilever in Sharnbrook, UK. The multinational food, cosmetics and household products company commissioned four separate research groups to test the capsules, and 480 women in the UK, France and Germany who have passed the menopause took part in the trials.

New Scientist has seen results that show that in 14 weeks, "crow's feet" wrinkles by the corner of the eye became on average 10 per cent shallower in recipients of the capsules, shrinking by 30 per cent in the best responderssee photos. The wrinkles of women who received a placebo did not change significantly in depth.

In one of the two French studies, researchers also took 4-millimetre-deep biopsies from 110 women before and after treatment to study the production of collagen - a protein that is a key structural component of skin. Antibodies that stain tissue red where new collagen is produced revealed that after treatment a fifth of recipients had significantly more fresh collagen in the deepest skin layer - the dermis - than those who had received a placebo. More sensitive tests will be needed to ascertain any differences in the remaining biopsies, says Casey. Partial results were presented at the Society for Investigative Dermatology meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, last year; Casey says that the full data will now be sent to journals for peer review.

So how do these capsules workAs women age and oestrogen production drops off towards menopause, enzymes called Proteases become more active, reducing the sponginess of skin by clearing away collagen faster than it can be replaced. An oestrogen receptor that aids the generation of collagen also becomes less active. The two effects combine to make skin less pliable and more wrinkly.

Casey's team used skin cultures and gene activity tests to ascertain the effect of certain natural food extracts on "master" genes, which orchestrate the behaviour of lots of other genes - in this case, those involved in collagen synthesis. The blend that activated these genes most strongly included Vitamins C and E plus Isoflavones from soya, Lycopene from tomatoes and omega-3 polyunsaturated acids from fish oil.

Unilever plans to launch the product next month in 44 spas that it co-owns in the UK, Spain and Canada. It does not need approval to sell the capsules from these countries' regulatory authorities because the extracts they contain are already in use and the company does not claim that the capsules benefit health.

Although long-term tests have not been carried out, Gail Jenkins, another member of the team, recommends taking three capsules per day for at least three months; at this dose, she says, adverse side effects are unlikely. If a person stopped taking the capsules, the normal ageing process would probably restore deeper wrinkles.

When New Scientist sent the preliminary data to independent dermatologists, they gave a guarded welcome. "The data are somewhat sparse, but they do appear to have done a pretty comprehensive study," says Christopher Griffiths, professor of dermatology at the University of Manchester, UK, and co-author of a 2009 study confirming that an anti-ageing cream produced by Boots, a British pharmacy chain, had anti-wrinkle effectsBritish Journal of Dermatology, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2009.09216.x. Griffiths said he would be "unconvinced" until he had seen all the data, but was intrigued by the apparent repair of deep rather than superficial wrinkles. "I know of no other study that has shown this before," he says. A likely explanation, says Casey, is that creams penetrate only the top layer of skin - the epidermis. The contents of the capsules, by contrast, reach the dermis, stimulating the production of collagen in deeper layers.

Richard Weller, a dermatologist at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, UK, applauded Unilever for testing the product against a placebo and for saying it will publish the results in full. "What matters is the clinical data, and they show there are reduced wrinkles in the treated group," he says. "I'm not aware of any [other] oral treatments that do this."

David Sarwer of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, says that the results are encouraging but "we need a number of studies in this area, with similar results and published in the peer-reviewed literature, before we have a sufficient body of evidence to suggest that these supplements positively impact facial appearance".

Nichola Rumsay of the Centre for Appearance Research at the University of the West of England in Bristol says that anti-wrinkle capsules are more psychologically benign than facial surgery, but they still reinforce the message that wrinkles are bad. "We should be accepting wrinkles gracefully. Someone should develop a pill to stop people worrying about their appearance," she says. "That would make people a lot happier."


What's in an anti-wrinkle capsule

The concept behind "gene foods" is to put back into modern diets the ingredients from berries, nuts and fruits that were abundant in the food of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Evidence is mounting that many of these ingredients have profound effects on master genes that keep tissue and organs healthy, reducing inflammation and damage.

Unilever's blend includes Isoflavones from soya. These activate oestrogen receptors that trigger the skin to make collagenRegulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, DOI: 10.1016/s0273-2300(03)00091-6. Another ingredient in the capsules is Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids taken from fish oil, which activate a master gene called PPAR that is also involved in collagen synthesisJournal of Lipid Research, DOI: 10.1194/jlr.m800614-jlr200.


The other ingredients are Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Lycopene, all known to promote tissue health. "We put them all together in a single product, and there are about a dozen genetic mechanisms at work," says Casey.

Preliminary results from Unilever suggest that activating the master genes raises the activity of several other genes that make proteins vital for good skin tone, such as Elastin, Decorin and several anti-inflammatory molecules.


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德科學家John Casey發明「除皺小藥丸」 號稱可和1成皺紋說拜拜?

NOWnews – 2013930




根據英國《每日郵報》Daily Mail報導,主導這項研究計畫的教授凱西John Casey表示,這款「除皺藥丸」已對166名平均年齡為61歲的婦女進行測試,其中大部分的婦女有10%左右的皺紋因此消失,也有人消失了30%的皺紋。



The plant pill that can help to reduce wrinkles£35-a-month product that zeroes in on crow's feet

Scientists said the plant based pill reduced the depth of crow's feet by 10%.

The pills contained a mixture of Soy isoflavones, Vitamins and Omega 3.

Also contained a substance called Lycopene which is found in tomatoes.


By Daily Mail Reporter


PUBLISHED: 18:27 GMT, 29 September 2013

UPDATED: 00:10 GMT, 30 September 2013


SolutionScientists say the new pill reduced the depth of crow's feet by an impressive 10 per cent.

Skin saverThe pills contained a mix of plant extracts, Vitamins and Lycopene which is found in tomatoes.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2437671/Simple-pill-plants-proven-reduce-wrinkles-scientists.html#ixzz2gQatYaRM

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作者:王薏絜 | TVBS – 2013911










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作者:華人健康網記者羅詩樺/編譯 | 華人健康網 – 2013911


















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作者:【記者陳敬哲/台北報導】 | 台灣新生報 – 2013910






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