1530年,義大利Verona的醫生兼詩人Girolamo Fracastoro發表《西菲利斯:高盧病》(Syphilis sive Morbus Gallicus)(Syphilis or The French Disease),故事描述主人翁牧羊童「西菲力士」(Syphilus)經歷義大利疾病肆虐情形,。
1530年,義大利Verona的醫生兼詩人Girolamo Fracastoro發表了《西菲利斯:高盧病》(Syphilis sive Morbus Gallicus)(Syphilis or The French Disease)一韻以長短格六步格所寫的拉丁文詩。《Syphilis sive Morbus Gallicus》描述義大利疾病肆虐情形,故事主人翁是叫做「西菲力士」(Syphilus)的牧羊人。
「梅毒」(Syphilis)在歷史上也被稱為「大痘」(Great pox)。
患有高盧病(Morbus gallicus),是一種性病。
有人認為Syphilus可能是第一位患有梅毒的人,於是便把這種疾病叫做 Syphilis。
Girolamo Fracastoro,1478年-1553年,文藝復興時期歐洲Verona的一位醫生和作家。他非常著名的作品是1530年標題為《梅毒》(Syphilis)的新拉丁文詩歌,書中描述了梅毒的各種癥狀及該病的建議治療方法。
In 1530, the name "syphilis" was first used by the Italian physician and poet Girolamo Fracastoro as the title of his Latin poem in dactylic hexameter describing the ravages of the disease in Italy.
Syphilis was also known historically as the "Great Pox".
Girolamo Fracastoro (around 1476-1478 – 6 August 1553) was an Italian physician, poet, and scholar in mathematics, geography and astronomy. Fracastoro subscribed to the philosophy of atomism, and rejected appeals to hidden causes in scientific investigation.
Born of an ancient family in Verona, Republic of Venice and educated at Padua where at 19 he was appointed professor at the University. On account of his eminence in the practice of medicine, he was elected physician of the Council of Trent. A bronze statue was erected in his honor by the citizens of Padua, while his native city commemorated their great compatriot by a marble statue. He lived and practised in his hometown.
In 1546 he proposed that epidemic diseases are caused by transferable tiny particles or "spores" that could transmit infection by direct or indirect contact or even without contact over long distances. In his writing, the "spores" of diseases may refer to chemicals rather than to any living entities.
"I call fomites [from the Latin fomes, meaning "tinder"] such things as clothes, linen, etc., which although not themselves corrupt, can nevertheless foster the essential seeds of the contagion and thus cause infection."
His theory remained influential for nearly three centuries, before being displaced by germ theory.
The name for Syphilis is derived from Fracastoro's 1530 epic poem in three books, Syphilis sive morbus gallicus(Syphilis or The French Disease), about a shepherd boy named Syphilus who insulted Greek God Apollo and was punished by that god with a horrible disease. The poem suggests using Mercury and "Guaiaco" as a cure. His 1546 book「De contagione」(On Contagion)also gave the first description for Typhus. The collected works of Fracastoro appeared for the first time in 1555.
A portrait of Fracastoro that has been in the collection of the National Gallery since 1924 has recently been attributed to the renowned Italian painter Titian. The re-attribution has led scholars to speculate that Titian may have painted the portrait in exchange for syphilis treatment.