Maryland的North County高中神童Jack Thomas Andraka遇見伯樂病理學教授Anirban Maitra,發明早期胰臟癌血液或尿液偵測試紙,榮獲2012 Gordon Earle Moore Award(4)
Andraka has Polish ancestry.
Jack's older brother, Luke, won $96,000 in prizes at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in 2010, with a project that examined how acid mine drainage affected the environment. In 2011, Luke won an MIT THINK Award (Technology for Humanity guided by Innovation, Networking, and Knowledge), which recognizes students whose science projects benefit their communities.
Jack has been openly gay since he was 13, and discussed that in interviews with The New Civil Rights Movement, the London Evening Standard, and Washington's MetroWeekly, among others. When asked to be interviewed about his sexual orientation, Jack responded, "That sounds awesome!I’m openly gay and one of my biggest hopes is that I can help inspire other LGBT youth to get involved in STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics]. I didn't have many [gay] role models [in science] besides Alan Turing."
He also likes white-water kayaking (and is a member of the National Junior Wildwater Team), folds origami, and enjoys watching Glee and Bones. He notes: "I suppose I'd want [people] to know I'm not a complete nerd. I actually get out and stuff. I go kayaking. I'm not the creepy guy that wears big glasses and hides out in the corner."