作者華人健康網記者黃曼瑩/台北報導 |
華人健康網 – 2015年1月20日
EmbryoGlue® increases take-home baby rate
EmbryoGlue is an implantation promoting transfer medium with a unique combination of hyaluronic acid and recombinant albumin.
The addition of a high concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA) in a transfer medium, such as EmbryoGlue, increases live births after IVF according to a newly published meta-analysis from the independent research network Cochrane Collaboration. When using EmbryoGlue for transfer, there was an overall increase of 8% in the live birth rate, compared to a medium with low or no HA. The positive effect was seen regardless of embryo transfer day.
Learn how to use EmbryoGlue
EmbryoGlue is used at Cambridge IVF
How does is work?
EmbryoGlue® contains all nutrients and energy sources needed for an optimal embryo development. It contains a high concentration of implantation promoting hyaluronan, which is the major glycosaminoglycan present in the follicular, oviductal and uterine fluids. The physiological concentrations in these fluids provide high viscosity environments in the oviduct and uterus.
The synthesis of hyaluronan increases dramatically on the day of implantation and decreases to near basal levels by the next day, indicating that it is important for implantation.
Hyaluronan makes the difference
EmbryoGlue® has the basic composition of a rich blastocyst culture medium and contains a high concentration of hyaluronan and recombinant human albumin. It can be used for transfer of all embryo developmental stages, including embryos after assisted hatching, biopsy and cryopreservation. The use of EmbryoGlue® for embryo transfer will increase the clinical pregnancy rate and live birth rate.