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王舍城(राजगृहRāja-gha靈鷲山(गृद्घराजपर्वतGridhra-kutaGriddhraj ParvatGiddhaila PaharVulture PeakHill of the Vultures



佛陀在此講經說法有十數個雨季之久,佛教僧伽的第一座精舍--迦蘭陀竹林精舍(Kalaṇḍaka Veuvana Vihara),即位於王舍城內。早期重要的入室弟子,例如舍利弗、目犍連、大迦葉等,均於王舍城(राजगृहRāja-gha)皈依。此外,佛陀入滅後的三個月,Magadha國王Ajatashatru舉辦第一次經典結集,就在城郊的毗婆罗山(Vebhara)之七葉窟(Sapta-parna guhaSapta-parni CaveCave of the Seven Leaves)。      


靈鷲山(गृद्घराजपर्वतGridhra-kutaGriddhraj ParvatGiddhaila PaharVulture PeakHill of the Vultures),是佛陀在王舍城結夏安居期間,除了竹林精舍(Kalaṇḍaka Veuvana Vihara)外,另一個常常居住與說法的地方,在經典中常以「耆闍崛山」稱呼。


Vulture Peakगृद्घराजपर्वतGridhra-kutain Rajgir where the Buddha inspired Avalokiteshvara to give The Heart Sutra - the Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutram requested by Sariputra, rock that looks like a vulture.

Griddhraj Parvat, also calledGridhra-kuta Hillor locally known asGiddhaila Pahar」(EnglishVulture PeakHindiगृद्घराजपर्वत, which literally meansthe hill of vultures, is a hill of religious, archeological and ecological importance situated in Devrajnagar village of tehsil Ramnagar in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh, India.

Griddhraj Parvat is a unique habitat of vultures not only in India but the world also. Vultures in number of thousands can be seen in the crevices of the hill rocks. The vulture species seen here areLong billed vulture」(Gips indicusandWhite backed vulture」(Gips bengalensis. Apart from vultures it is also the habitat of number of wild animals.

Griddhraj Parvat is of great religious importance in Hindu mythology. It has been mentioned in Skanda Purana page 208 asGriddhanchal Parvat. It is believed to be the birthplace of Sampati, the brother of Griddhraj Jatayumentioned in Ramayana. The poet Kalidas mentions about this place as the most sacred in his bookGriddharaj Mahatmya」(Narad Uvachin Sanskrit language.

RajgirHindiराजगीरUrduراجگیرRāja-ghaPaliRāja-gahais a city and a notified area in Nalanda district in the Indian state of Bihar. The city of Rajgir was the first capital of the kingdom of Magadha, a state that would eventually evolve into the Mauryan Empire. Its date of origin is unknown, although ceramics dating to about 1000 BC have been found in the city. This area also notable in Buddhism, as one of the favorite places for Gautama Buddha and the well knownAtanatiya conferencewas held at Vulture's Peak mountain.

It was here that Gautama Buddha spent several months meditating and preaching at Gridhra-kutaHill of the Vultures. He also delivered some of his famous sermons and converted King Bimbisara of Magadha and countless others to his religion. On one of the hills is the Saptparni cave where the First Buddhist Council was held under the leadership of Maha Kassapa. Lord Mahavira spent fourteen years of his life at Rajgir and Nalanda, spending chaturmasi.e. 4 months of the rainy seasonat a single place in RajgirRajgruhiand the rest in the places in the vicinity. It was the capital of his favourite shishyafollowerking Shrenik. Thus Rajgir is a very important religious place for Jains also.


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