

作者:【記者蘇湘雲/台北報導】 | 台灣新生報 – 2014313












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華視 – 2014313



ANGELA BABY深邃眼睛,高挺鼻樑,完美的五官,讓不少女人都想變成她,尤其韓國女星泫雅的鼻子,被韓國醫美視為是最佳黃金比例,在台北就有少女也想擁有高挺鼻樑,用水微晶隆鼻,沒想到,手術後的鼻子,就像一根又粗又直的水管,黏在鼻子上。



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作者:黃菁菁東京12日電 | 中時電子報 – 2014313上午5:56






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螢幕擷取畫面 (122)  

Comorbidities, not age, impact outcomes in autologous stem cell transplant for relapsed non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Wildes TM1, Augustin KM, Sempek D, Zhang QJ, Vij R, Dipersio JF, Devine SM.

Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2008 Jul;14(7):840-6.

doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2008.05.002.



High-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation is a widely applied treatment for advanced non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), but few studies have analyzed the tolerability and outcomes in older patients compared with younger patients treated in a homogeneous manner. We retrospectively reviewed 152 consecutive patients who underwent autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) following BEAM conditioning (carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine, and melphalan) for NHL from January 2000 through August 2004 at our institution. We compared 59 patients age > or =60 years and 93 patients age <60 years. Supportive care was identical for all patients. The frequency of comorbidities was similar between both groups. CD34+ cell doses, days to neutrophil recovery, and days to platelet count >20,000/mm3 were similar in younger and older patients, although days to platelet count >50,000/mm3 were longer in the older patients (median 30.0 days versus 22.5 days, P = .01). Patients over the age of 60 were more likely to develop grade III/IV mucositis than their younger counterparts (37.7% versus17.4%, P = .0063). Otherwise, the frequency of other grade III/IV toxicities were similar between younger and older patients. Treatment-related mortality (TRM) was similar between older and younger patients (8.5% versus 5.4%, P = .45). Although age was not associated with TRM, the Charlson Comorbidity Index Score was significantly correlated with TRM (P = .03). Median disease-free survival was similar between older and younger patients (21.8 months versus 29.9 months, P = .93), as was overall survival (OS) (47.7 months versus 62.5 months, P = .20). After controlling for age, the Charlson Comorbidity Index Score influenced OS [P = .013]. Overall, our cohort of patients with NHL over the age of 60 who underwent ASCT following BEAM conditioning experienced toxicities and survival similar to their younger counterparts. Comorbidities significantly influenced TRM and OS in this retrospective cohort. Future study should focus on improving tolerability of conditioning and careful prospective evaluation of comorbidities and their association with outcomes.

PMID: 18541205 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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螢幕擷取畫面 (121)  1393163141-28101129091393163141-3391011566  1393163141-290945481

Donor age negatively impacts adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cell expansion and differentiation

Mahmood S Choudhery12, Michael Badowski2, Angela Muise2, John Pierce3 and David T Harris2*

* Corresponding author : David T Harris davidh@email.arizona.edu


Author Affiliations

1 Advanced Centre of Research in Biomedical Sciences, King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan

2 Department of Immunobiology, College of Medicine, The University of Arizona, PO Box 245221, 85724, Tucson, AZ, USA

3 Aesthetic Surgery of Tucson, Tucson, AZ, USA


Journal of Translational Medicine 2014, 12:8




The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at : http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/12/1/8

Received : 23 September 2013

Accepted : 3 December 2013

Published : 7 January 2014


© 2014 Choudhery et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.




Human adipose tissue is an ideal autologous source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for various regenerative medicine and tissue engineering strategies. Aged patients are one of the primary target populations for many promising applications. It has long been known that advanced age is negatively correlated with an organism’s reparative and regenerative potential, but little and conflicting information is available about the effects of age on the quality of human adipose tissue derived MSCs (hAT-MSCs).



To study the influence of age, the expansion and in vitro differentiation potential of hAT-MSCs from young (<30 years), adult (35-50 years) and aged (>60 years) individuals were investigated. MSCs were characterized for expression of the genes p16INK4a and p21 along with measurements of population doublings (PD), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, cellular senescence and differentiation potential.



Aged MSCs displayed senescent features when compared with cells isolated from young donors, concomitant with reduced viability and proliferation. These features were also associated with significantly reduced differentiation potential in aged MSCs compared to young MSCs.



In conclusion, advancing age negatively impacts stem cell function and such age related alterations may be detrimental for successful stem cell therapies.


Keywords : Adipose tissue; Mesenchymal stem cells; Donor age; Regenerative potential; Growth kinetics; In vitro differentiation potential


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Fat Stem Cells are not affected by Weight or Age

Mojallal et al.

Aesthetic Plast Surg.


Fat represents a potent source of autologous stem cells. Historically, the majority of research using autologous stem cells involved stem cells collected from the bone marrow. This source is associated with a painful extraction procedure and relatively low concentrations of mesenchymal stem cells. In contract, mini-liposuctions represent a less invasive extraction approach. Additionally, adipose tissue has been shown to contain substantially higher number of mesenchymal stem cells as well as hematopoietic stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells.

The use of fat derived stem cells has grown exponentially in recent years for numerous indications. Perhaps the largest data set for fat derived stem cells is possessed by Dr. Bob Harman from Vet Stem, who has treated a total of more than 10,000 large animals with this procedure. The Cellmedicine clinic has had an excellent track record of success using autologous fat for treatment of multiple sclerosis having treated more than 200 patients.

One of the major limiting factors of stem cell therapy using your own stem cells (autologous) is that the potency and number of stem cells is believed to decrease with age and disease. These studies, however, have been performed primarily from bone marrow sources of stem cells. Any hematologist will tell you that with age the bone marrow becomes drier and possesses less cells. Studies have shown that bone marrow stem cells from patients with Diabetes or from Obese patients have less activity as compared to age matched controls. There has been some thought that the stem cells in the adipose tissue are protected from age and disease. A current studyMojallal et al. Influence of Age and Body Mass Index on the Yield and Proliferation Capacity of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 May 26from the Service de Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique in Lyon France sought to address this. The investigators assessed 42 women who were divided into two groups: age ≤ 40 or >40 and BMI ≤ 25 or >25. Fat tissue was harvested via manual lipoaspiration from the abdominal region. After centrifugation, 100 ml of lipoaspirate was sent to the laboratory for isolation and cultivation of ASCs. The investigators found that average cell yield was 0.380 × 10(6)/ml. Cell yield and proliferation capacity did not show statistically significant correlation to the Age and BMI of patients, nor was there a statistically significant difference between cell yield and proliferation capacity between the different groups.

The study looked at some very basic parameters : cell number, viability and proliferative ability. It may be that adipose stem cells may exhibit differences in immune modulatory potential or differentiation potential between donors. This was not assessed. Additionally, the adipose derived cells were not assessed between donors suffering from different conditions. Despite these shortcomings, the data appears to support the hypothesis that adipose derived stem cells may have some advantages as compared to bone marrow stem cells, at least for autologous uses.


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螢幕擷取畫面 (119)  

Chondrogenic Potential of Human Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells Is Independent of Age or Osteoarthritis Etiology

Alwin Scharstuhl1,2, Bernhard Schewe3, Karin Benz1, Christoph Gaissmaier3,

Hans-Jörg Bühring4, Reinout Stoop Ph.D.1,*


Article first published online: 13 SEP 2007

DOI: 10.1634/stemcells.2007-0300

Copyright © 2007 AlphaMed Press

STEM CELLS Volume 25, Issue 12, pages 3244–3251, December 2007


Keywords :

Mesenchymal stem cells ; Differentiation ; Isolation ; Chondrogenic differentiation ; Age-related ; Etiology



Osteoarthritis (OA) is a multifactorial disease strongly correlated with history of joint trauma, joint dysplasia, and advanced age. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are promising cells for biological cartilage regeneration. Conflicting data have been published concerning the availability of MSCs from the iliac crest, depending on age and overall physical fitness. Here, we analyzed whether the availability and chondrogenic differentiation capacity of MSCs isolated from the femoral shaft as an alternative source is age- or OA etiology-dependent. MSCs were isolated from the bone marrow (BM) of 98 patients, categorized into three OA-etiology groups (age-related, joint trauma, joint dysplasia) at the time of total hip replacement. All BM samples were characterized for cell yield, proliferation capacity, and phenotype. Chondrogenic differentiation was studied using micromass culture and analyzed by histology, immunohistochemistry, and quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Significant volumes of viable BM (up to 25 ml) could be harvested from the femoral shaft without observing donor-site morbidity, typically containing >107 mononuclear cells per milliliter. No correlation of Age or OA etiology with the number of mononuclear cells in BM, MSC yield, or cell size was found. Proliferative capacity and cellular spectrum of the harvested cells were independent of age and cause of OA. From all tested donors, MSCs could be differentiated into the chondrogenic lineage. We conclude that, irrespective of age and OA etiology, sufficient numbers of MSCs can be isolated and that these cells possess an adequate chondrogenic differentiation potential. Therefore, a therapeutic application of MSCs for cartilage regeneration of OA lesions seems feasible.

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生機有機 專家教怎麼吃最健康?

作者:華人健康網記者駱慧雯/台北報導 | 華人健康網 – 2014311





生機有機 健康基礎大不同




生機飲食藏風險 熟食殺菌較安心









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中央社 – 2014312



英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,研究顯示,倘若負責推銷的男性長得帥,投資人比較容易掏錢投資;但美女企業家比起長相較平凡的女性,成功機率並沒有比較大。

所以外表具吸引力到底是幸或不幸?這項研究說,推特共同創辦人杜錫(Jack Dorsey)等帥氣逼人的男性企業家,要往上爬比較容易,但對英國知名內衣品牌Ultimo創辦人莫妮(Michelle Mone)等美女企業家而言,卻沒這麼簡單


英國FTSE 100上市公司中僅4家的執行長是女性,美國發展中的創投公司90%則由男性創立或領軍

哈佛商學院(Harvard Business School)的布魯克斯(Alison Brooks)表示:「我們發現業界持續存在很深的性別鴻溝。」




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抗凝血劑和舒經活血湯併用 恐抑制凝血

優活健康網 – 2014311下午6:45





中西醫 臨床上所表現皆不同



臨床研究 中西醫併用增加抗凝血作用




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