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Vertical Subperiosteal Mid-face-lift for Treatment of Malar Festoons5


The median observation time was 12 months. The procedure on average took 2 h 40 min ± 25 min. Immediate healing was achieved without major complications, adverse reactions, or side effects. Edema remained for 10–12 days.

No alopecia was observed; no swelling or seromatous fluid collection necessitated a second procedure or prolonged drainage. Three patients showed a very small intraoral wound dehiscence of 3-5 mm, two on the left side and one on the right side. Using daily local irrigation, the wound healed by secondary intention after 7 days. All patients were judged to have satisfactory cheek elevation and enhanced contour without evidence of recurrent festoons, ptosis, or loss of fixation. The patients did not complain of pain in the treated area 3 days after surgery. They did not take painkillers for more than 2 days after surgery.

The surgical outcome was evaluated by analyzing photographs taken before and after surgery, and by analyzing pre- and postoperative measurements. Despite that 6 months after surgery drooping of the lateral brow position was observed at a mean of 2.3 mm, the technique we used achieved a significant rejuvenation of the midface and the malar festoons (Table 1). The examples seen in Figs. 13, ,14,14, ,15,15, ,16,16, and and1717 illustrate the indications and results.


Table 1

Pre- and postoperative evaluation of the position of the nasojugal groove after a vertical upper-midface lift (SUM-lift) (N = 12)   

Preoperative 6-month postoperative 12-month postoperative

AB (cm) 5.8 ± 0.4        6.3 ± 0.3                6.0 ± 0.3

AB distance between the oral commissure and the nasojugal groove position

Pre- and postoperative evaluation of the position of the nasojugal groove after a vertical upper-midface lift (SUM-lift) (N = 12)


Fig. 13

a, c Preoperative views of a 54-year-old patient with ptosis of the malar tissues, hollowing of the infraorbital area and the cheek area, lengthening of the lower eyelid, attendant tear-trough deformity, and associated nasojugal grooves, nasolabial folds, ...


Fig. 14

a, c Preoperative views of a 48-year-old patient. He demonstrates ptosis of the malar tissues, loose festoons, hollowing of the infraorbital area, lengthening of the lower eyelid, attendant tear-trough deformity, and nasojugal grooves. b, d Six months ...


Fig. 15

a Preoperative view of a 56-year-old patient with marked loose festoons and deep nasojugal grooves. b Postoperative view 12 months after vertical upper-midface lift (SUM-lift) procedure. Note the improvement of the malar bags


Fig. 16

a Preoperative frontal view of a 58-year-old woman. She has marked malar festoons with ptosis of the malar tissues, hollowing of the infraorbital area and the cheek area, lengthening of the lower eyelid, attendant tear-trough deformity, and nasolabial ...

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Vertical Subperiosteal Mid-face-lift for Treatment of Malar Festoons4


Twelve patients (3 males and 9 females, age = 47 ± 6 years) underwent a SUM-lift between 2006 and 2007 for treatment of malar festoons. The procedure included simultaneous lower blepharoplasty and video-assisted trans-temporal subperiosteal and sub-SMAS tissue release. All patients underwent a thorough, individualized preoperative evaluation to establish a correct diagnosis, evaluate asymmetries, estimate the degree of tissue repositioning, and decide on the level of fixation. In all patients, the distances of the marginal rim of the lower lid and the nasojugal grooves between defined points were measured preoperatively (Fig. 12a) and 6 and 12 months after surgery (Fig. 12b). Therefore, measurements were taken along a perpendicular line from the lateral limbus of the eye to a horizontal line of the oral commissure (Fig. 12a) to analyze the preoperative and postoperative positions of the most inferior point of the nasojugal groove (Fig. 12b).


Fig. 12

Schematic evaluating the position of the nasojugal groove. Measurements were taken along a perpendicular line from the lateral limbus of the eye to a horizontal line of the oral commissure (A) to analyze the preoperative position of the nasojugal groove ...

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Vertical Subperiosteal Mid-face-lift for Treatment of Malar Festoons3

The soft tissue of the cheek is freed from underlying bone through a buccal incision placed from the molar to the canine to leave an adequate cuff of gingiva for closure (Fig. 4). Subperiosteal dissection is performed on the maxilla and zygoma using a custom-made periosteal rasp. The dissection extends from the nasal spine to the lateral buttress of the maxilla. It frees the tissue around the pyriform aperture, over the frontal process of the maxilla, along the inferior and lateral orbital rim, around the infraorbital nerve, then vertically up to the frontal process of the zygoma to the level of the lateral canthus, and laterally over the zygoma body to the zygomatic arch (Fig. 5). Freeing is performed over the anterior two thirds of the zygomatic arch. Release of the arcus marginalis is especially important for correcting the tear-trough deformity and elevation of the lid-cheek interface, just as freeing from the nasal spine and pyriform aperture is important for elevation of the upper lip and corners of the mouth.


Fig. 4

Intraoperative view of a patient undergoing a vertical upper-midface lift (SUM-lift); enoral view after degloving the maxilla, the zygoma, and two thirds of the zygoma arch. The suction cannula points to the sensitive zygomatic nerve


Fig. 5

Intraoperative view of a patient undergoing a vertical upper-midface lift (SUM-lift). The soft tissue of the cheek is freed from underlying bone through a buccal incision using a custom-made periosteal rasp. The dissection extends from the nasal spine ...


Once the soft tissue had been thoroughly freed, elevation of the midface begins by insertion of two 2 × 0 PDS sutures by an intraoral approach, taking a deep bite of the soft tissue (Fig. 6). The area for the cheek tissue suture fixation placement was marked previously; it is a cross in the medial cheek located at the intersection of a vertical line dropped from the lateral canthus and a transverse line directed from the lowest aspect of the alar groove at its intersection with the lip. The vector of suspension is determined entirely by the position of the key area relative to the point of bony zygomatic divergence. The patient’s head is turned to the side and a retractor is inserted through the short scalp incision into the temporal fossa. The patient’s head is straightened. The sutures are advanced up by suspending the cheek to the desired position until the identifying premolar show confirms adequate mobilization (Fig. 7a, b). The effects are assessed for symmetry and the sutures are fixed into the deep temporal fascia (Figs. 8 and and9).9). This superior vertical elevation lifts the deep tissues, which are maintained in the proper position of the fixed sutures. Most important is the production of a large soft tissue volumetric mass in the malar and submalar regions (Fig. 9). The distal end of the sutures with their multiple knots is trimmed and secured with a 4 × 0 Vicryl suture to lay flat in the temporal fossa, avoiding any discomfort of the sticky sutures.


Fig. 6

Intraoperative view of a patient undergoing a vertical upper-midface lift (SUM-lift). The area for the cheek tissue fixation placement is marked. It presents as a cross in the medial cheek located at the intersection of a vertical line dropped from the ...


Fig. 7a, 7b

Intraoperative oblique view of a patient undergoing a vertical upper-midface lift. The midfacial tissues are elevated until identifying premolars confirms adequate mobilization to the desired position by applying tension to the sutures exiting the ...


Fig. 8

Intraoperative view of a patient undergoing a vertical upper-midface lift. Superior vertical elevation produces a large soft tissue volumetric mass in the malar region. It is most important to assess large soft tissue volumetric mass production in the ...


Fig. 9

Intraoperative view of a patient undergoing a vertical upper-midface lift. After mobilizing the midface tissues and the SMAS fascia, the mesotemporalis fascia is repositioned, suspended after suture fixation, suspending the midface tissue to the deep ...


In addition, the frontotemporal skin is lifted in a vertical direction and is also anchored to the temporal fascia. Several interrupted sutures are secured to the temporal fascia at the level of the access incision, allowing an open knotting technique and secure fixation of the flap (Fig. 9). After performing the midface elevation, a laterally based transposition orbicularis muscle flap, described by Hamra [15, 16], is used (Figs. 10 and and11);11); it is a safe and effective method to transmit a controlled amount of traction to the lower lid in lower blepharoplasty without the need for canthoplasty or canthopexy. The loose, redundant lower eyelid is meticulously removed without any muscle fibers. After meticulous homeostasis, the buccal sulcus is closed with interrupted sutures.


Fig. 10

Illustration of the vertical upper-midface lift with the suspension sutures in place. Note the suspension of the soft tissue at the inferior lateral orbital rim area.


Fig. 11

Intraoperative view of the suspension sutures placed in the soft tissue at the inferior lateral orbital rim area after dissection of the orbicularis muscle for septal release and muscle suspension.

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Vertical Subperiosteal Mid-face-lift for Treatment of Malar Festoons2



Video-assisted endoscopic Subperiosteal vertical upper-midface liftSUM-liftin conjunction with a Lower blepharoplasty and/or endoscopy-assisted Forehead plasty, if needed, is indicated in patients with moderate skin elasticity and festoons which cannot be treated by high SMAS rotation advancement surgery alone and in patients who already have undergone a traditional face-lift procedure. Patients who exhibit a vertical descent of the midfacemalar flatness, festoons, malar bags, including an oval configuration to the orbit, elongation of the lower eyelid skin, concomitant ptosis of the composite flap, including skin, muscle, and fat, prominent nasolabial fold, and early jowl formation, are ideal candidates for this procedure. Prior lower blepharoplasty patients who exhibit lid retraction and scleral show also may be improved by advancement of this upper-midface procedure [5–14].


Surgical Techniques

The procedures routinely have been performed under general anesthesia, with local anesthesia infiltration for homeostasis and perioperative intravenous antibiotics (Augmentin®, GlaxoSmithKline) for 48 h. No anticoagulation therapy was performed. Infiltration of the area was performed with a vasoconstricting solution consisting of 1 ml of 1:1000 epinephrine in 1000 ml of normal saline. Markings were performed preoperatively with the patient in a sitting position. If an upper blepharoplasty was needed, the eyebrow was held at the desired level. The redundant upper-eyelid skin was marked with the brow in an elevated position to avoid over resection. The center of the forehead at the region of the glabella was infiltrated, as were the corrugators and procerus muscles to obtain adequate vasoconstriction in the area to be dissected. The anterior temporal crest was infiltrated to produce hydrodissection and improve visualization. The infiltration continued laterally over the superior lateral orbital rim to the lateral canthus into the upper midface and the buccal sulcus.

For the forehead and upper-midface rejuvenation, six access incisions are used. The surgery is performed with a 4-mm, 30° down scope, with a protection sleeve and irrigation system to keep the field clean. The operation begins by elevating the forehead through two 2-cm sagittal incisions 1 cm behind the anterior scalp line and a standard subperiosteal forehead plasty is performed. The average lateral brow lift ranges between 4 and 6 mm as needed. For further correction of upper-eyelid pseudoptosis, loose skin of the upper lid in conjunction with a very small orbicularis oculi muscle fibers strip is resected. The protruding fat of the medial pocket is removed when needed.

Following the standard central forehead lift, the procedure proceeds to the lateral forehead and midface. The upper midface is elevated over the deep temporalis fascia (fascia temporalis profunda) in the scalp via a 3–4-cm transverse temporal incision 4 cm behind the anterior scalp in an open angle of about 120° toward the helical rim (Fig. 2). The incision is not parallel to the temporal hairline and is slightly perpendicular to the vector of repositioning. The lateral dissection extends over the deep temporalis fascia covering the temporalis muscle (sub-SMAS plane). This fascial layer is elevated with the forehead tissue by detaching it along the temporal crest by performing blunt dissection.


Fig. 2

Intraoperative view of a patient undergoing a vertical upper-midface lift (SUM-lift). The temporal incision is marked. The incision is curved slightly forward


Fig. 3

Intraoperative view of a patient undergoing a vertical upper-midface lift (SUM-lift). The endoscope is introduced under the temporal fascia into the upper midface. The scissor lies over the superficial temporal fascia and under the skin.


Next, from the temporal area over the deep temporalis fascia, the midface is approached sub-SMAS, dissecting subperiosteally inferior-lateral to the sentinel vein, between the sentinel vein and the zygomatic-temporal nerve (Fig. 3) (sensitive nerve), subperiosteally over the anterior surface of the

zygomatic arch (the facial nerve is on top of the elevator, over the fascia temporalis parietale), and entering the midface under the orbicularis oculi muscle. The dissection on the malar area is done subperiosteally under the orbicularis oculi muscle, leaving the septum orbitalis, infraorbital rim, suborbital oculi fat (pad), and zygomatic major muscle on top on the periosteal elevator.

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作者:【記者蘇春瑛/台北報導】 | 台灣新生報 – 2014512






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Vertical Subperiosteal Mid-face-lift for Treatment of Malar Festoons1

Aesthetic Plast Surg. Aug 2011; 35(4): 522–529.

Johannes Franz Hoenig,1,2 Daniel Knutti,1,2 and Antonio de la Fuente1,2

1University Hospital and Medical School of Goettingen, Robert-Koch-Street 40, 37075 Goettingen, Germany

2Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Paracelsus Clinic, Hannover, Germany

Johannes Franz Hoenig, Email: info@professor-hoenig.de.

Published online Mar 17, 2011. doi: 10.1007/s00266-010-9650-3

PMCID: PMC3146709




Affiliation :

University Hospital and Medical School of Goettingen, Robert-Koch-Street 40, 37075 Goettingen, Germany. info@professor-hoenig.de


Keywords : Festoons, Malar membrane, Vertical subperiosteal midface lift, Malar mounds, Blepharoplasty



Background :

Malar mounds may be accentuated by chronic lid edema, with the development from malar Edema to malar Mounds and finally to malar Festoons. Because standard techniques do not seem effective and not specifically proposed for the treatment of malar festoons, subperiosteal vertical upper-midface lift associated with lower blepharoplasty overcomes these shortcomings.

Methods :

Twelve patients (3 males and 9 females, age = 47 ± 6 years) underwent Video-assisted endoscopic subperiosteal vertical upper-midface liftSUM-liftin conjunction with a lower blepharoplasty between 2006 and 2007 for treatment of malar festoons. This includes simultaneous lower blepharoplasties and video-assisted transtemporal subperiosteal and sub-SMAS tissue release.

Results :

All patients healed uneventfully without any major postoperative problems. The surgical outcome was evaluated according to the analysis of photographs obtained before and after surgery and the analysis of pre- and postoperative measurements. The technique we usedSUM-liftachieved a significant rejuvenation of the midface and the malar festoons.

Conclusion :

Subperiosteal vertical midface lift resuspends and redrapes the facial network that originates at the level of the orbital rim. It seems to improve the permeability characteristics of the malar septum in the treatment of malar festoons and malar mounds by freeing the cheek tissue from underlying bone and redraping the malar septum. It is a reliable technique to improve malar mounds, palpebral bags, or festoons.



During the aging process three variations of the infraorbital area may appear. Malar mounds, Palpebral bags, or Festoons (Fig. 1; see also Fig.

17a). Festoons are developmental Attenuation of the orbicularis

oculi muscle with Laxity of the attachments between the orbicularis and the deep fascia [1]. The orbicularis oculi muscle progressively sags until folds of muscle are suspended across the lower lid. Malar mounds in contrast are discrete soft tissue convexities that bulge directly outward from the malar prominence [2, 3]. They retain a relatively stable shape during usual facial movements, but can be worsened with smiling. Palpebral bags or Baggy eyelids develop at an early age and are also known as Herniated intraorbital fat [1]. They are the result of Intraorbital fat bulging outward against an attenuated or weak orbital septum of the upper or lower eyelid. Some of these changes cause functional and aesthetic problems for which surgical correction is a gratifying procedure, although surgical treatment of festoons, mostly seen in older patients who have lax supporting structures [1] in the preseptal area, orbital area, and the jugal region of the lower lid, is known to be difficult [1–5].


Fig. 1

1 = Festoons ; 2 = malar mounds; 3 = palpebral bags


Fig. 17

a. Preoperative view of a 48-year-old patient with marked malar festoons, redundant eyelid skin, and deep nasojugal grooves.

b. Postoperative view (14 months) after he underwent a vertical upper-midface lift (SUM-lift); the malar festoons are improved ...


Various surgical techniques have been used to treat malar bags and muscle festoons for the lower eyelid, taking into account its various etiologies. Pessa and Garza [2], who analyzed malar mounds and malar edema, found that the Malar septum acts as a relatively impermeable barrier that allows tissue edema to accumulate above its cutaneous insertion. Following their studies, this septum defines the lower “boundary” of several clinical entities, e.g., Malar mounds, Malar edema, Malar festoons. Therefore, malar mounds may be accentuated by chronic lid edema which may imply a time course in the progressive development from Malar edema to Malar mound and at least to Malar festoons [2].

Knowing that standard lower blepharoplasties cannot correct malar loops with muscle pouches, nor the sagging of the lower orbicular muscles (ptosis), and that standard techniques do not seem effective and are not specifically proposed for the treatment of malar festoons, subperiosteal vertical upper-midface lift associated with lower blepharoplasty overcomes these shortcomings. In this article we share our experiences with our technique.

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Vertical Subperiosteal Mid-face-lift for Treatment of Malar Festoons

Aesthetic Plast Surg. Aug 2011; 35(4): 522–529.

Johannes Franz Hoenig,1,2 Daniel Knutti,1,2 and Antonio de la Fuente1,2

1University Hospital and Medical School of Goettingen, Robert-Koch-Street 40, 37075 Goettingen, Germany

2Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Paracelsus Clinic, Hannover, Germany

Johannes Franz Hoenig, Email: info@professor-hoenig.de.

Published online Mar 17, 2011. doi: 10.1007/s00266-010-9650-3

PMCID: PMC3146709




Affiliation :

University Hospital and Medical School of Goettingen, Robert-Koch-Street 40, 37075 Goettingen, Germany. info@professor-hoenig.de


Bottom Line :

Because standard techniques do not seem effective and not specifically proposed for the treatment of malar festoons, subperiosteal vertical upper-midface lift associated with lower blepharoplasty overcomes these shortcomings. The technique we usedSUM-liftachieved a significant rejuvenation of the midface and the malar festoons. It is a reliable technique to improve malar mounds, palpebral bags, or festoons.



Background :

Malar mounds may be accentuated by chronic lid edema, with the development from malar Edema to malar Mounds and finally to malar Festoons. Because standard techniques do not seem effective and not specifically proposed for the treatment of malar festoons, subperiosteal vertical upper-midface lift associated with lower blepharoplasty overcomes these shortcomings.

Methods :

Twelve patients (3 males and 9 females, age = 47 ± 6 years) underwent Video-assisted endoscopic subperiosteal vertical upper-midface liftSUM-liftin conjunction with a lower blepharoplasty between 2006 and 2007 for treatment of malar festoons. This includes simultaneous lower blepharoplasties and video-assisted transtemporal subperiosteal and sub-SMAS tissue release.

Results :

All patients healed uneventfully without any major postoperative problems. The surgical outcome was evaluated according to the analysis of photographs obtained before and after surgery and the analysis of pre- and postoperative measurements. The technique we usedSUM-liftachieved a significant rejuvenation of the midface and the malar festoons.

Conclusion :

Subperiosteal vertical midface lift resuspends and redrapes the facial network that originates at the level of the orbital rim. It seems to improve the permeability characteristics of the malar septum in the treatment of malar festoons and malar mounds by freeing the cheek tissue from underlying bone and redraping the malar septum. It is a reliable technique to improve malar mounds, palpebral bags, or festoons.


Fig1 : 1 = Festoons ; 2 = malar mounds; 3 = palpebral bags

Mentions : During the aging process three variations of the infraorbital area may appear. Malar mounds, Palpebral bags, or Festoons (Fig. 1; see also Fig. 17a). Festoons are developmental Attenuation of the orbicularis oculi muscle with Laxity of the attachments between the orbicularis and the deep fascia [1]. The orbicularis oculi muscle progressively sags until folds of muscle are suspended across the lower lid. Malar mounds in contrast are discrete soft tissue convexities that bulge directly outward from the malar prominence [2, 3]. They retain a relatively stable shape during usual facial movements, but can be worsened with smiling. Palpebral bags or Baggy eyelids develop at an early age and are also known as Herniated intraorbital fat [1]. They are the result of Intraorbital fat bulging outward against an attenuated or weak orbital septum of the upper or lower eyelid. Some of these changes cause functional and aesthetic problems for which surgical correction is a gratifying procedure, although Surgical treatment of festoons, mostly seen in older patients who have Lax supporting structures [1] in the preseptal area, orbital area, and the jugal region of the lower lid, is known to be difficult [1–5].Fig. 1.

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NOWnews – 201457







針對電波拉皮,黃政傑醫師指出,目前市場上所使用最新型的Thermage® CPT™第三代電波拉皮系統,因為搭配了新式的Total Tip電波塑顏橘色探頭,以及全新的冷卻與加熱技術,故除了治療的舒適度有所提升之外,能量也能均勻的傳導到更深層的組織。




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作者:健康醫療網/記者張郁梵報導 | 健康醫療網 – 201457







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Is “Silhouette Soft” the new BotoxCindy Crawford's doctor launches new anti-ageing procedure which uses dissolvable thread to beat wrinkles.


By Bianca London

Published: 15:17 GMT, 29 April 2014 | Updated: 19:55 GMT, 29 April 2014


The new BotoxDr Jean-Louis Sebagh, a well-known Harley Street doctors, claims his new treatment is 'as big and important as Botox was seven years ago'

Is this goodbye BotoxThe £1,200 treatment claims to offer women a redefined face, restored volume and reduced wrinkles by means of a 30-minute treatment, which promises to last up to 18 months


  • Dr Sebagh launches Silhouette Soft

  • £1,200 treatment claims to redefine face, restore volume and reduce wrinkles

  • 30-minute treatment with results lasting up to 18 months

  • Uses thread made of polylactic acid, which acts on the deep skin layers

  • Naturally stimulates the body so that it produces its own collagen


When it was first revealed that women were paying to have a toxin injected into their faces in an attempt to hold back the march of time, there were howls of derision from the public.

That was more than two decades ago, and even when in 2002 cosmetic Botox received official approval from the US Food and Drug Administration, which evaluates new medical procedures, critics continued to pour scorn on the procedure.

But in recent years, legions of British women have taken up the habit - and celebrities such as Simon Cowell and Kim Kardashian have even tried it out - making it one of the most popular anti-ageing procedures of the decade.

However, while A-listers have been banishing wrinkles with Botox, one of their favourite cosmetic doctors has been quietly championing the next big thing.

Dr Jean-Louis Sebagh is an acclaimed Harley Street doctors who treats and has developed a range of topical creams with supermodel Cindy Crawford.

He says his new treatment is “as big and important as Botox was seven years ago.”

Dr Sebagh, whose clinics in Paris and London's Wimpole Street are packed with the beautiful and the very rich (many fly in to see him the way most of us would pop to the shops), has been offering the treatment for 14 months.

On his website, he describes the £1,200 treatment as a 'technological innovation offering women what no treatment has ever provided in such a simple way: a redefined face, restored volume and reduced wrinkles by means of a 30-minute treatment at their doctor’s, for a result lasting up to 18 months.'

During the procedure, thread made of polylactic acid is drawn through the skin after injections of local anesthetic.

Dr Sebagh says that he uses the thread to give a tailor-made result, lifting specific parts of the face.

This acid is completely biodegradable and acts on the deeper layers of the skin and naturally stimulates the body so that it produces its own collagen.

He claims this action, which continues over time, helps increase the volume of saggy areas and restore shapeliness to the face gradually and naturally.

Speaking to ES magazine about the procedure, he said: 'It's a thread that dissolves completely after 18 months, and it has an immediate lift and lasting regenerative effect, all along the thread.

'It really looks chic,' he said of the 30-minute treatment. 'It restores fat to the right place, with the right tension. It provides volume, but not too much. Not like all these weird faces we see puffed up like balloons.'

'I have used Silhouette Soft thread on ten women today, starting in the morning with a queen of one of the Middle Eastern countries,' he revealed.

Don't fancy having your face threaded or going back for top-ups every six monthsAnother hot new anti-ageing treatment is being offered by Dr Yannis Alexandrides of 111 Harley St.

How does it workDr Sebagh uses the thread to give a tailor-made result, lifting specific parts of the face. The thread, which is drawn through the skin after injections of local anesthetic, is made of polylactic acid.

He swears by the Thermafrax lift, which doesn’t penetrate skin.

It’s a tighten, tone and resurface treatment that combines Thermage technology (Gwyneth Paltrow's favourite) and Fraxel resurfacing to provide what's described as the 'ultimate non-surgical face-lift'.

'It’s a one-off treatment that targets surface skin condition and also deeper layers of skin for a tight, youthful result,' says Dr Alexandrides.

'A surgical facelift requires two weeks minimum recovery time, and only combats sagging, aged skin.

The ThermaFrax Lift targets both the sagging, and improves skin texture with results that last up to 10 years.'


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作者:李盛雯台北報導 | 中時電子報 – 2014428








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作者:台中訊 | 中時電子報 – 2014320











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開運迎新 羽毛線提眉見神采

NOWnews – 201425










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埋線拉皮藏危機?女業務員變歪嘴 原來是法令紋一邊消失 另一邊還在

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醫美又出包!女子埋線拉皮 法令紋一邊消失 一邊還在 竟成歪嘴妹

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作者:記者趙容萱台中報導 | 聯合新聞網 – 2014120








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