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作者: 簡立宗 

中時電子報 – 201563






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東森新聞 – 20141227












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慎選玻尿酸 防腫脹瘀青凹凸

作者【記者蘇湘雲/台北報導】 | 台灣新生報 – 20141016









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優活健康網 – 2014929









擺脫肉肉臉 9成女性會以非侵入性作為治療選擇

呂劍昇醫師進一步指出,目前在臉部的醫美保養可分為侵入(削骨)及非侵入(肉毒桿菌素、CPT電波拉皮及Viora Reaction System「俗稱緊塑V顏」),其中,侵入性手術因有風險高、恢復期長等考量,9成女性會以非侵入性作為治療選擇;再加上大部分女性是受脂肪而影響臉型大小,以非侵入性療程來看,多數會主動選擇電波拉皮或緊塑V顏做改善。


一旦出現皺紋、魚尾紋、法令紋 就可以開始介入治療



女神保養多管齊下 保持螢光幕前最佳狀態


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作者廖珮妤台北報導 | 中時電子報 – 2014930











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NOWnews – 2014929












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輕熟女告別初老 小資拉提法打造緊緻顏面

NOWnews – 2014826









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8-point-facelift604691_orig1380810707-3770630611380810733-4274098641380810747-33197009351380811011-25977735591380811024-4607099771380811056-15876788591380811456-32308302161380811468-22620279111380811478-39820320591380811487-40184478541380814254-24166001551381334424-2360601163Juvederm Voluma inj 20 mg_2 mL1200Picture_3-385x234Style-Your-Smile1VolumaBA1voluma-xcvolumaXCVolumaXClogo  

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作者:李盛雯台北報導 | 中時電子報 – 2014127









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jcad_4_12_32-g002  jcad_4_12_32-g003  jcad_4_12_32-g004  

Avoiding Malar Edema During Midface/Cheek Augmentation with Dermal Fillers2

Fillers, alone or in conjunction with facial surgery, can restore facial harmony, balance, and beauty. Nevertheless, treatment of this area is not without its complications. Bruising, erythema, pain, Infection, Skin necrosis, Over- and Under- correction, and Infraorbital nerve injury resulting in numbness and dysesthesia have been reported, regardless of the filler type (hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, poly-L-lactic acid) used. Nodules, Lumps, visible material, and generalized and Malar edema may also occur. Malar edema is a particularly significant adverse event because it is disfiguring, poorly tolerated by patients, can persist for months, and responds minimally, if at all, to treatment.


Anatomic Basis for Malar Edema

Malar edema is an adverse event arising from filler injections of the central midface to correct the Infraorbital hollow and Tear trough. It occurred in two patients treated by the author after placing Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA, Radiesse®, Merz Aesthetics, San Mateo, California) in a retrograde linear threading and fanning technique from multiple access points. The edema was long lived6 to 8 months—and only minimally responsive to massage, head elevation, taping, salt avoidance, methylprednisolone, and conservative intralesional steroid injections. Although these two cases involved CaHA, malar edema arising from injections with hyaluronic acid (HA) has also been seen in clinical practice.

The phenomenon of malar edema can be explained by an understanding of the anatomy of the lower eyelid. Pessa and Garza6,7 reported their findings after performing 18 fresh cadaver dissections. Using dye injections, histological evaluation, and gross anatomical dissection, they identified a Fascial structure of the lower eyelid and cheek that they called the Malar septum. It originates from the Orbital rim periosteum at the Arcus marginalis superiorly and inserts into the Cheek skin 2.5 to 3cm inferior to the Lateral canthus. It divides the Suborbicularis oculi fat (SOOF) into Superior and Inferior components. The Inferior component is confluent with the Cheek fat and the Superior component contributes to the Malar mounds. At the level of the inferior border of the orbicularis oculi, the malar septum fuses with the fibrous septa of the superficial cheek fat and dermis.

The authors stated that the Malar septum is a relatively impermeable barrier that allows tissue edema and hemoglobin to accumulate superior to its Cutaneous insertion, and thus defines the lower anatomical boundary of several clinical entities : Malar edema, Malar mounds, Festoons, and Periorbital ecchymosis. Its anatomy is consistent from person to person regardless of age.


Transcutaneous Preperiosteal Injection Using Limited Puncture Sites

The area bounded by the Lower eyelid margin superiorly, the Medial canthus medially, the Lateral canthus laterally, and the Submalar region inferiorly is the least forgiving and most prone to adverse events. Injected filler Superficial to the malar septum may serve to Augment the impermeable barrier of the Malar septum, further impeding lymphatic drainage resulting in fluid accumulation and prolonged edema. Fillers may also cause edema by Direct pressure on the lymphatics when Volumes are too large whether they are superficial or deep to the septum. In addition, the greater a filler's Elasticity or Elastic modulus (G')—lifting capacitythe more likely it is to compress the lymphatic flow, resulting in edema. Malar edema is likely related to the Volume of injectate, the filler's Physical characteristics, its Depth of injection, and the patient's Propensity toward the problem.

Any filler injected within the boundaries of the malar septum should be placed immediately onto Periosteum (Pre-periosteally). In addition to avoiding malar edema, placing Small boluses of filler directly on Bone has the additional advantage of avoiding lumps, nodules, and visible material. The result is more natural and aesthetically pleasing because it is an augmentation of the underlying skeletal structure, resulting in an expansion and elevation of the overlying soft tissue envelope. Since the material is placed in an Avascular space, there is less bruising and lower embolic potential. Preperiosteal small bolus technique can be accomplished using either an Intraoral or Transcutaneous approach. The author prefers a transcutaneous approach because it is less technically demanding, easier to teach, has less risk of infraorbital nerve injury and in theory has less risk of infection and biofilm creation. Another approach would be the use of a Nonparticulate, Monophasic, less refractive HA capable of being placed in the Subdermal plane without being visible or causing a Tyndall effect. This would allow correction of the tear trough and infraorbital hollow without compressing the deeper lymphatic structures.


Technique. A careful examination of the patient is made, being observant for any evidence of existing malar edema or malar bags. Inquiry about a history of cheek edema after excessive salt or alcohol intake or upon awakening is followed by a discussion to assure that the patient is in agreement with the treatment plan. In a patient who is unsure, a “Trial run”, wherein Lidocaine is injected to simulate her postinjection appearance, can be performed. Preinjection photographs are taken. Small volume, bilateral infraorbital nerve blocks are placed with 2% lidocaine no more than 0.2mL. The filler is mixed with 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine.8 A volume of 0.2mL of 2% Lidocaine with Epinephrine is sterilely mixed with a 1.5mL syringe of CaHA and 0.08mL of 2% Lidocaine with Epinephrine with a 0.8mL syringe of hyaluronic acid Juvederm Ultra (HA-JU, Allergan).


The first injection is placed Medial to the Infraorbital nerve, entering perpendicular to the skin approximately 1cm Beneath the Inferior orbital rim (Figure 2). The needle is then “walked” medially toward the medial canthus, depositing 0.05mL aliquots. Additional deposits are placed close to the orbital rim as well as laterally and inferiorly. The Nondominant index finger is used to establish the Inferior orbital rim location so as to prevent deposition of material into the orbital area. If the needle is in contact with the bone at the time of extrusion of filler, then the material will not be deposited into the infraorbital foramen or within the infraorbital nerve. The second injection is Lateral to the infraorbital nerve; the third is at the Malar eminence (Figures 3 and and44).

Figure 2

First injection is placed medial to the infraorbital nerve, entering perpendicular to the skin one cm beneath the inferior orbital rim. The needle is then “walked” medially toward the medial canthus, depositing 0.05 mL aliquots.

Figure 3

The second injection is lateral to the infraorbital nerve.

Figure 4

The third injection is at the malar eminence.

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Avoiding Malar Edema During Midface/Cheek Augmentation with Dermal Fillers1

David K. Funt, MD

J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2011 December; 4(12): 32–36.

PMCID: PMC3244361




As dermal fillers have evolved, Volume restoration and Contour enhancement have become the objective of advanced injectors. The value of injections of dermal fillers into the midface is well documented in the literature. However, the Midface, particularly the Infraorbital hollow, is the facial area most prone to adverse events from filler treatment. Malar edema is a particularly significant and long-lasting untoward event that is frequently reported. This article reviews the anatomic basis for malar edema, relates it to filler injection technique, and presents the author's preferred method of injection to help ensure avoidance of this adverse event.

The introduction of more durable and robust dermal filler materials has expanded the indications for dermal fillers, especially for the face. There probably is no area of the face that has not been treated with injectable fillers. Clinicians are now approaching facial aesthetic improvement and rejuvenation in a more global fashion, rather than focusing exclusively on the correction of wrinkles and folds. In contrast to amelioration of isolated wrinkles and folds, volume restoration and contour enhancement have become the objectives of advanced injectors. The value of midfacial volume restoration and enhancement has been well documented in the literature.1–5 However, when treating this area, the injector can experience adverse events, including the significant and long-lasting complication of malar edema. This article presents the anatomic basis of malar edema and the author's preferred injection technique to prevent this untoward event.


Midfacial Volume Restoration

The malar fat pad is a discrete, Triangular shaped area of thickened Subcutaneous fat, Based at the Nasolabial fold with its Apex at the Malar eminence in the youthful face. It is attached to the overlying skin and is supported by Multiple fibrous septae that extend from the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) and into the Dermis. Loss of skin elasticity and Weakening of these septae, as well as Volume loss within the Deep medial cheek fat,6 lead to a Downward and forward descent of the Skin and Malar fat pad until it bulges against the fixed nasolabial fold.

These sequelae of aging result in Deepening of the nasolabial folds, progressive Hollowing of the cheeks, and Loss of prominence of the malar eminences. The Lower eyelid lengthens, increasing visibility of the Orbicularis oculi muscle, coupled with the formation of Tear trough and a Crescent or “V”-shaped deformity along the maxilla and zygoma. There is Recession of the nasal alar cheek junction. Individual fat pockets become discernable as separate entities rather than the smooth transitions from convexities to concavities seen in youth (Figure 1). It is the author's view that no other facial injection site provides greater rejuvenation than the midface.


Figure 1

Volume loss in the aging face

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d346140  20130318053908747  Juvéderm00B(1)  20130419155718630  d408854  d408853  

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Juvederm  juvederm_phoenix  Juvéderm0  Juvederm1  juvederm2  juvederm-before-after-photos  juvederm-box  juvederm-sharon  

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1676383031  1676383033  1676383034  

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Creation of a youthful cheek apex at Swift’s point.ASwift’s point is defines as the intersection of a line drawn from the nasal alar groove to the upper tragus and the the line drawn vertically down from the midpoint of the lateral orbital rim.BInjection for deep hyaluronic acid is overlying bone and periosteum and below muscle where possible.Submuscular-Supraperiosteal planeNote : Subcutaneous injection can be performed with hyaluronic acid over the Foundation injection as well.Image provided by Allergan, Inc.Irvine, CA

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1676383345  1676383344  

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The most prominent point of the Malar complex.

Analysis by Prendergast and Schoenrock.

Looking obliquely at the face, a line is drawn from commissure to lateral canthus. One third of the distance down this line, a perpendicular line will go through the most prominent point of the malar complex.

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Swift’s point

Swift’s point is defines as the intersection of a line drawn from the nasal alar groove to the upper tragus and the the line drawn vertically down from the midpoint of the lateral orbital rim.

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Juvéderm00B(1)  Juvéderm00C  Juvéderm002  Juvéderm004  

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