
The Long-term Results of Purse-string Facelifts5


Over the years, I have tried to focus more on the perspective of my patients and less on my own. I now more clearly understand not only their physical appearance objectives, but also their concerns of risk, down time and cost; as well as their overall interest in an easier, less complicated experience. These desires have led me and other surgeons to develop procedures that are less invasive.

There has been skepticism expressed by some surgeons toward less invasive facelifts, which creates healthy dialogue, as long as it is based on fact and personal experience, not merely opinion. However, I believe the QuickLift and many purse-string mini-lifts are proving to deliver very good long-term results when the appropriate approach is used for the patient.

In general, my experience is that the S-lift works well on patients in their forties, that simplified MACS lifts and QuickLifts work well for patients in their fifties, that advanced QuickLifts (more anterior undermining and suspension) and MACS lifts (posterior cervicoplasty and malar suspension) work well for patients in their sixties, seventies and even eighties.


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