Acne Grading According to Burton Scale
Grade 0 - Total absence of lesions
Grade I - Sub-clinical Acne – few comedones visible only in close examination
Grade II - Comedonal Acne – Comedones with slight inflammation.
Grade III - Mild Acne – inflamed Papules with erythema.
Grade IV - Moderate Acne – many inflamed Papules and Pustules
Grade V - Severe Nodular Acne - inflamed papules and pustules with several deep nodular lesions.
Grade VI - Severe Cystic Acne – many modular cystic lesions with scarring.
Acne treatment should include a combination of the following resulting in the ability to maintain the achieved acne skin improvement over a twelve month period :
•an integrated methodology of patient education
•topical skin care
•topical acids